7 Years Before

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Vinnie's POV:

At the age of 11, I already had a girlfriend. But sadly she was going to be leaving the town and moving into another city. The last day that she was in town I asked her if she would promise me to never forget me, and she promised.

1 Week Later:

It had been sad not being able to have my girlfriend near. And I did not have a phone to call her or text her so I decided to make her a letter. I took my mom's phone and called her to ask her what her new address was so I could send the letter to her house.

Vinnie's Gf POV: 

Vinnie said he wanted to send me a letter but the truth was that I did not like him anymore. So I decided to send him a random address. I did not feel bad, he is a ugly mf who deserves nothing. I am TOO good for him. He might have a nice soul but he still is not to my level.

Vinnie's POV: 

My mom took me to the mail place and I sent the letter to the address that my girlfriend had sent me. Now all that is left is for her to get the letter.

1 Week Later

Y/n's POV:

One day I was chilling on the couch watching a movie when I heard the mail truck pull up. I waited for it to leave and after it left I went to go check the mailbox. There was one single letter in the mailbox. I took it out and looked at it. I went back inside confused on who Vinnie Hacker was. I got back on the couch and opened the letter. It was a letter talking about how this random boy named Vinnie, was telling a girl named Faith how much he misses her. I knew that the letter was delivered to the wrong place even though on the letter it had the address of my home. I felt like writing a letter back and telling the Vinnie guy that it was the wrong address. So I went upstairs to my bedroom and took out a blank piece of paper. I grabbed my pencil and started writing. "Dear Vinnie, I don't know who you are but you have sent this letter to the wrong person. But the weird thing is that the letter does have my address but whoever you were going to send this letter to, it is not because my name is not Faith. I am sorry that it was the wrong address." I put the letter in an envelope and put my name on it and put the address of the Vinnie kid so he could get the letter. I Knew his address because on the letter that was sent to me, it said the guy's address. My mom was not going to get home by 6:00 pm and it was 2:00 pm. So I decided to walk to the mail place myself. While walking there I was overthinking about how I could get kidnapped at the age of 11. But I made it to the mail place and sent the letter to the guy. I went back home and decided to take a nap till my mom got home.

1 Week Later 

Vinnie's POV:

I was impatiently waiting for the mail to get there that day. When the mail got there I rushed out the door and sprinted to the mailbox. I saw a letter and ran inside to open it. But before opening it I saw something weird, the letter said that it was from some girl named Y/n. I still decided to open it a little confused. Once I opened it my heart shattered when I realized that the letter had been delivered to another house. The girl named Y/n was nice about it and she sounded cool from the letter. So I decided to keep writing the Y/n girl letters. So we started sending back and forth, back and forth...

Authors Note: Hello my fellow people! I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter! This part is boring because I just wanted to post a chapter on how everything happened. The next few chapters will also be boring but I PROMISE this gets more interesting. Anyways  I am going to post as much chapters as I can right now because I am bored. Also sorry if your name is Faith I just did not know what to name her so if your name is Faith just call Vinnie's Gf whatever you want😂

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