First day at the new school

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to my alarm going off. I turned it off and got up from bed. I made my bed and walked into my bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and did my skincare routine. I walked into my closet with a towel rapped around my body and hair. I choose an outfit and change into it.

Y/n's outfit: 

Y/n's hair and makeup:

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Y/n's hair and makeup:

I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs

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I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. My mom was sitting at the kitchen island. Y/n: "Good morning mom! what you doing up so early?" Melissa: "Good morning honey! Oh nothing just wanted to say good bye to you before your first day of school. The maids made you some scrambled eggs and french toast for breakfast!" I smiled at my mom and sat down next to her. The maid gave me a plate with breakfast on it.

The breakfast:

I ate my breakfast and put on my shoes

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I ate my breakfast and put on my shoes. Melissa: "Awww, look at my baby!" Y/n: "Mom, I am not a baby anymore." Melissa: "To me you will always be my baby! I remember when it was your first day of pre-K!" Y/n: "Thanks mom, but I don't want to miss the bus so I have to go." Melissa: "Okay honey, Bye I love you so, so much, and remember to have fun!" I gave my mom a hug and walked out the door. The bus stop was a 2 minute walk. It felt nice to put my airpods in and listen to music while walking to the bus stop. I then saw the bus stop and saw people there. I started to get nervous because people were looking at me. I stood there very nervous. Then the bus got there. I was walking in and the bus driver was a lady and she seemed nice. She smiled at me and I smiled back. When I looked up I was in shock. The guy named Vinnie that I met at the mall was on the bus. I kept walking in and there were barley any spots. But of course there was a spot next to Vinnie. I sat next to him not giving a shit lol. He looked at me and I looked at him. Vinnie: "Oh heyy! Your that girl from the mall. Right?" Y/n: "Yeah." Vinnie: "Nice, so whats up shawty?" Y/n: "Don't call me that." Vinnie: "Why not princess?" Y/n: "Stop it. It's not funny." Vinnie: "I never found it funny either. But anyways wanna bang tonight?" Y/n: "Bro at the mall why were you being such a gentleman and now you are being such an asshole?" Random girl: "Yeah Vinnie, stop being such an asshole!" The girl grabs my hand and takes me to the seat where she was sitting. She sits down and I sit next to her. Random girl: "Hey, sorry, I just had to help you because Vinnie is such an asshole. By the way, my name is Nailea, but you can call me Nai." Y/n: "Nice to meet you Nailea! My name is Y/n, and thanks." Nailea: "So your new huh?" Y/n: "Yeah. I lived in Maryland but my mom decided that she wanted to move to LA for a "FResH NeW stArT" I hate when she says that." Nailea laughs. Nailea: "I feel you. I lived in taxes but my mom wanted to move to LA since her and my dad got divorced." Y/n: "Same just that my dad passed away..." Nailea: "I am sorry for your loss." Y/n: "Thanks." Nailea: "Can I see your schedule, just to see if we have any classes together?" Y/n: "Sure!" I took out my schedule and gave it to Nailea. She took a look at it and smiled. Y/n: "Please tell me we have classes together!" Nailea: "Yeah we do! We have 6 together, which means that we only have 2 not together." Y/n: "Omg, that is still good. At least I will already have a friend!" Nailea: "But I have you some bad news too..." Y/n: "What is it?" Nailea: "You also have 6 classes with Vinnie..." I looked at Nailea with a sad face but then we both started laughing. Y/n: "Okay that does suck." Nailea: "Hopefully I will be the one able to show you around the school." Y/n: "Yeah, hopefully." The bus was pulling up at the school and everybody started to walk out. I walked out with Nailea next to me. I was scared because so many people were staring at me. Nailea: "Follow me." I followed Nai into the school and she took me to the office. Office lady: "Hey honey, I am guessing you are new here." Y/n: "Yeah." Office lady: "Alright, name?" Y/n: "Y/n Y/l/n" Office lady: "Okay yeah, well you should already have a schedule. And here is your locker number." She wrote numbers on a stick note and gave it to me. Y/n: "Thank you!" Office lady: "Your welcome have a good first day of school here!" Me and Nai walked out of the office. Y/n: "She was nice but she acting like I can find this locker in a second just by looking at the number." Nai starts dying of laughter. Nailea: "Omg, your funny! Here I think it is close to mine I will take you." We walked more into the school looking for my locker. Nailea: "Oh it's here! Mine is over there not too far which is good." Y/n: "Yeah!" Nailea: "Anyways, put your stuff in your locker and just leave your stuff for English class out." I smiled at Nai and she left to her locker. I took out a notebook, my computer, and my pencil case from my backpack and put the backpack on the locker hanger. When I closed my locker door my soul left my body. I saw Vinnie smirking at me while resting his shoulder on the lockers. Y/n: "What do you want Vinnie?" Vinnie: "Nothing, I am just wanted to say hi to my locker neighbor!" Y/n: "You have to be kidding me! Anyways I can't do nun about it." Vinnie: "Yeah, you can't." Then some girl ran up to Vinnie and kissed him. They started to make out infront of me. I gagged and walked away. I looked at my schedule and read the classroom number. I went to look for it and I actually found it pretty fast. I walked in and the teacher looked very nice. The teacher: "Oh well hello there! You must be the new student joining us today?" Y/n: "Yeah!" The teacher: "Nice, I am Ms. Jeon! Your name is Y/n Y/l/n right?" Y/n: "Yeah!" Ms. Jeon: "Okay well you can have a seat right there. And the students should start to get here soon because the bell is about to ring!" She pointed at my seat and I sat down. She looked like a cool teacher. Then students started to walk in. I was just drawing stuff in my notebook when the bell rang. Ms. Jeon: "Alright, Hello my fellow students! Let me take attendance so then we can start with things!" Then I saw Vinnie's rude ass walk in. Vinnie: "Teacher, I am only 1 second late!" Ms. Jeon: "Vinnie you always say that. Now sit down." Vinnie walked to the desk next to me while I was drawing. Vinnie: "What you drawing there?" He snatched the paper and looked at it. Y/n: "Vinnie stop, give me that!" Ms. Jeon: "Vinnie give that back to Y/n now!" Vinnie: "Okay fine, damn." Ms. Jeon started to call out names for attendance. Ms. Jeon: "Y/n Y/l/n!" Y/n: "Here!" Ms. Jeon: "Vinnie Hacker!" I look up very fast in shock. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!!!!! THIS CAN NOT BE TRUE!!!!!

Authors note: Hello people! I hope you guys had a good thanksgiving yesterday! GUESS WHAT???!!!! MY PARENTS ORDERED ME THE VINNIE HACKER BLACK FRIDAY MERCH!!!! I AM SO EXITED! HOPEFULLY IT DOES NOT TAKE SO LONG TO COME! But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I will publish another chapter tomorrow because I am tired tonight so if I were to write another chapter I would definitely end up asleep on my computer LMAO. Anyways I love you guys!

xoxo, Genesis <33333  

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