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Y/n's POV:

After looking at the view for a bit and taking pics I pushed my boxes of stuff into my bedroom. I went into the closet and decided to clean the shelves and broom the floor of the closet. I put the hangers in and started to put all my clothes and shoes in the closet which took like an hour. While I was doing that my mom walked in. Y/n's mom: "Honey this room is so peaceful mostly because it is all the way down the hall. You will be able to hear nothing." Y/n: "Yeah that is what I was going for." Y/n's mom: "Well I am going to go unpack my stuff. And some of your new furniture is downstairs so if you need help call me." I was still putting clothes in my closet but I was about to finish. After spending an hour in my closet I finished it and then had to go get my new bed downstairs. My mom was in her room with my little sister helping her so I did not want to ask her for help. So I decided to push the boxes into the elevator. Yes the house does have an elevator. I pushed all of the bed stuff in and let it go up by itself while I was running up all the stairs trying to get there before the elevator did. I got to the elevator while the doors were opening lol. I pushed out the boxes and pushed them into my room. I pulled out the base of the bed from the box first and started building it. After building it I put it where I wanted my bed to go and opened the mattress. My bed was king size so it was the biggest so the mattress was heavy. Anyways my bed was built all I needed to do was put on the covers but I was going to do that later. I put the bed side tables next to my bed and put a lamp on top of each one. I built my new desk and also put all the stuff in. I put in a rug, posters, vines, led lights, and I put the covers on the bed. I had to decorate my bathroom but that was pretty fast. I started doing my whole entire room, closet, and bathroom at 1.00 Pm and I ended at 8:00 Pm. I was finally done with everything in my room and I was happy with how it turned out. 

The Room: 

*Pretend that the windows are a door for a balcony*

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*Pretend that the windows are a door for a balcony*

It was simple but I liked it. I was just lighting up a candle so it could smell good. Then my mom and little sister walked in. Y/n's little sister: "OMG I LOVE YOUR ROOM!" Y/n's mom: " Y/n your room is so beautiful honey!" Y/n: "Thanks mom!" My little sister was everywhere in my room lol. Y/n's mom: "So girls, what should we order for dinner? It's pretty late so we have to order something and then go to bed." Y/n: " I don't know, whatever Madeline wants?" Madeline: "I want Chinese food!" Y/n's mom: "Alright, Chinese food it is! I will go order the food." *you know what? Ima name y/n's mom Melissa so Melissa is Y/n's mom* My mom and Madeline went to go order the food. I took a shower and changed into some pjs for bed.

The Pajamas:

I just brushed my hair and let it down

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I just brushed my hair and let it down. I heard my mom call me because the food had arrived so I went downstairs. Y/n: "Mhhmm it smells soo good! I am so hungry!" Melissa: "Yeah we have not eaten since the morning." I grabbed myself a plate and grabbed some food. I ate like I have not eaten in years. After eating my stomach was bloated lol. Melissa: "So are you excited for school on Friday?" Y/n: "Mom, why do I have to start school on a Friday? And no I am not excited." Melissa: "Honey it was not my choice for you to start school that day. And you should be. Come on, you will make a lot of friends. I know that. Anyways tomorrow we are going to go supplies shopping and also clothes shopping so be excited. Goodnight for today." She gave me a kiss on my head and went upstairs with my little sister. I got up and went to my bedroom. I brushed my teeth and did my skincare routine. I turned off the lights and got into my bed. I went on my phone for a bit until I fell asleep.

Authors Note: Y'all that is it for today! I posted as much chapters as I could today but now I am tired. I know the story is boring right now but it gets better so please don't stop reading.

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