Moving to LA

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to my little sister jumping on my bed telling me to wake up. Y/n: " MADELYN STOP IT!" I grabbed my pillow and threw it at her. Then of course in that moment my mom had to walk in. Y/n's mom: " Y/n that is not nice! Now get up, take a shower, and brush your teeth before we miss our flight." Y/n: "Alright, don't have to be so bossy." Y/n's mom: " Honey I love you so, so much but you are making it difficult." My mom grabbed my 4 year old sister and walked out smiling at me. I know that she loves me and I love her but sometimes she gets on my nerves. I got up and brushed my teeth. After that I took a fast shower and got dressed.

Y/n's Outfit: 

I just brushed my hair and let it down

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I just brushed my hair and let it down. For makeup all I did was some mascara and chopstick since I had to hurry. I grabbed my backpack and put my air-pods, phone,charger, gum, a book, and stuff like that in it for the airplane. While putting on my shoes my mom started to hurry me. Y/n's mom: "Y/n hurry, the taxi is here!" I tried my best to tie my shoelaces fast and I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs. I walk out the door to see my mom and little sister waiting for me in the taxi. I take a last look at the house and start running towards the taxi. I get in and takes deep breaths from running to the taxi. I take out my air-pods and phone and put in my air-pods. I listen to some music while we get to the airport. 

At The Airport:

The taxi arrived at the airport and I got out of the taxi. I waited for my mom and little sister to get out of the taxi. Once they got out we walked into the airport and looked for the flight to LA. Once we found it we waited for the airplane to get there. After an 1 of waiting the plane finally got there so we got up and walked towards it. I helped my little sister walk up the airplane stairs and looked for our seats. When we found our seats we sat down and got comfortable for the long ride. I got the window because I wanted to see the clouds. I put my headphones on and listened to an audio book for about an hour. After that I put on some music and slept because I was tired. After I woke up the workers on the plane gave us some breakfast since it was finally 8:00 am in the morning. They gave us some eggs and bacon for breakfast with some orange juice. I ate my food and had to use the restroom so I got up and my legs were so num. It felt so good to get up and stretch. I used the restroom and sat back down. I was confused on how many hours we had left so I asked my mom. Y/n: "Mom, how many hours are left?" Y/n's mom: "There is only one hour left honey." I nodded my head and decided to take out my computer and update my wattpad story. I have a story and it is about how a girl and a boy are enemies but then they don't know that they are secretly lovers. I updated a chapter and decided to read another book. We only had like 5 minutes left before the plane landed so I started to put my computer back in my backpack. I chilled for a bit when the pilot announced that the plane was going to land. Once it landed everyone got their stuff and walked out the airplane. We walked into the airport and checked in at the front. They told my mom that the taxi was waiting for us outside so I grabbed my little sister's hand while my mom looked for the taxi. When she found it we put our stuff in the back and got in the car which took us to our new house. My mom had said that the house was pretty big since she raised a lot of money for it. It took like an hour to get to the house. The whole entire time I was looking out the window looking at how beautiful LA is. I was mad about moving there but honestly it did not look so bad. I thought it was going to be like that part in LA that is trashed but honestly I think we were in the rich part of LA because everyone walking on the sidewalks looked so rich and fancy. Once we got to the house my mouth dropped and was so confused on how my mom was able to afford that house. The taxi left us in front of the house. I looked at the house shocked while my mom was opening the door. My question was how my mom was even able to buy a modern house with a pool? I walked in and was even more impressed. I turned to my mom and asked how she was able. Y/n: "Mom, thank you so much this house is so big and amazing but how were you able to buy it?" Y/n's mom: "Honey I had been saving up for about 2 years now and I worked day and night, day and night. And now I will still have to work a lot but at least I will work a little less than before." I smiled at my mom and gave her a big hug before running in and choosing my room. Of course I wanted the master bedroom but my mom deserved it after all that work that she had to do to buy this house. And also because she needs a comfy place to be in after so much working. My little sister found her room which was not big nor small. I walked all the way down the hall and found the perfect room. I walked in and it was kind of big and it had a walk-in closet with it's own bathroom. It also had a pretty big balcony with the view to the city which was so beautiful. The boxes of my clothes and stuff were in the hallway since they had been there for about 2 days already. I stayed in the balcony for a bit looking at the view while thinking about the fact that this is going to actually feel like a fresh new start.

Authors Note: Hey it's my annoying ass again! Okay I will post 2 more chapters and then I will leave you guys alone. And sorry if your name is Madeline I just did not know what to name the little sister so if your name is Madeline you can name the little sister whatever you want.

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