Apologize. Come on. Apologize. Apologize. Apologize!

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Vinnie's POV:

The next morning from all the mess with Y/n I felt terrible. I missed her a lot. I felt like I needed her. But no. I can't forgive her for that. Well maybe just yet. But to be honest... I really miss her. I was definitely not going to school today. What if I see Y/n there? Fucks no I don't want to risk it. I am staying home. 

Y/n's POV:

When I woke up I felt like the worst person in the world. All I wanted was Vinnie. I wanted to be wrapped around his arms. I didn't feel like getting up. I just wanted to stay in bed all day. But guess what? I had school. FUCKKKKK! I really don't want to go but I don't want to be stuck at home with my fucking mom and Tim. So I got up and started getting ready for school.

Y/n's Outfit:

I did light makeup and just let my hair down

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I did light makeup and just let my hair down. I then grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs hoping no one was there. And good luck for me no one was there. I grabbed the car keys and drove off because I was about to be late for school. 

Aunt's POV:

I went to Y/n's house around 2 pm before she would come out of school so I could talk to her mother. Once I got to the house I knocked and waited for someone to open the door. Then I saw my sister's bf "Tim" open the door. Tim: "Oh hey!" Aunt: "Hey Tim is my sister home?" Tim: "Yeah she's in the living room come in." I walked in and saw Melissa on the couch. Melissa: "Oh hey sister... I did not expect you here?" Aunt: "I know I actually invited myself because we have to talk about something important." Melissa: "Okay and what is that about?" I sat down next to Melissa and look at her seriously. Aunt: "Melissa. You do know you are being very unfair with Y/n right?" Melissa: "Oh so you come to my house to start talking about fucking Y/n?!" Aunt: "Melissa you need to understand that was you did to Y/n is not okay at all!" Melissa: "Well she decided she wanted to be a little bitch by fucking guys in MY house and getting into me and Tim's business!" Aunt: "Okay I understand that but she is just a teen Melissa! Her dad passed away and right after he passed away her mom decideds to move here to LA and just show up with a "new dad" thinking Y/n was going to like it but she did not!!! And why did she not like? BECAUSE IT BREAKS HER HEART TO HEAR HER MOM GET FUCKED BY A NEW MAN EVERY NIGHT! MELISSA UNDERSTAND THE FACT THAT Y/N IS GOING THROUGH A LOT! YOU BROKE HER UP WITH THE ONLY PERSON SHE LOVED AND HAD AT THE MOMENT BECAUSE HER MOM WAS BEING A WHORE!!!" Melissa: "I KNOW I FUCKED UP BUT SHE WAS BEING A BITCH SO THAT WAS ALL I COULD DO!" We then hear the front door open and we see Y/n...

Y/n's POV: 

I walked into the house and saw my mom and aunt arguing. Melissa: "SO YOU FUCKING TOLD MY SISTER!? YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING SELFISH DAUGHTER!" Y/n: "WELL SHE WAS THE ONLY PERSON SUPPORTING ME! AND HOW THE FUCK AM I SELFISH! ALL YOU DO EVERY DAY IS GETTING FUCKED BY TIM AND THEN COME AND MESS UP MY LIFE! DO YOU NOT LOVE ME NO MORE!?" Melissa: "I COULD LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE SOUL BUT WITH YOUR ATTITUDE RIGHT NOW FUCKS NO." Did my own mother just say that she does not love me no more?... Y/n: "You know you do not mean... Apologize. Come on. Apologize. APOLOGIZE! APOLOGIZE!!!" I knew she was not going to say anything so I left to my room. I wanted to leave this fucking house so much but I was way to tired to even leave. So I dropped on my bed crying my ass off.

Aunt's POV: 

Aunt: "You did not just tell your own daughter that you do not love her... YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND! My last words are... You are the worst mother in the world." I grabbed my bag and left. What the fuck is wrong with her. She is out of her mind...


xoxo Genesis, <333

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