After School

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Y/n's POV:

Me and Nai walked upstairs to my bedroom. Nai: "This house is so big and beautiful!" Y/n: "I know right! I did not know my mom could afford a place like this. But anyways let me give you a tour and then we can start having fun." Nailea nodded her head into a yes and we walked back downstairs. I showed her the whole house and after we chilled on the couch for a bit. Y/n: "You hungry?" Nai: "Omg yes food would be so good right now." Y/n: " I know how to drive but my mom has not bought me a car yet so maybe we can walk to go get some food. I mean I don't think it is that far." Nai: "Okay yeah, let's go." We put on our shoes and left the house. On the way to get some food we saw that the closes place was chipotle so we decided to get that for dinner. We walked in and I saw Vinnie and Jett waiting in the line. Nai: "Omg Vinnie and Jett are here." She whispered in my ear. Y/n: "I know. And now we have to wait in the line behind them." We stood behind Vinnie and Jett hoping that they would not turn around and see us. But unfortunately my shoe laces were untied and I tripped over them when I moved. I lost my balance and was about to fall when Vinnie turned around and catched me. Vinnie: "Gotcha. Be careful beautiful." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Y/n: "Thanks your catching me." Vinnie: "Of course. And let me tie those shoes because I think that was the issue." Vinnie kneeled down and tied my shoes. Kind of embarrassing but cute. Vinnie: "Done! Anyways what are you two doing here?" Nai: "Oh we came to come get some food because why not." Y/n: "Yeah we had to walk over here about 30 minutes but we made it." Vinnie: "You don't drive?" Y/n: "No, I do but my mom has not bought me a car yet." Vinnie: "If you want I can drive you and Nai back home?" Y/n: "Thank you, but me and Nai can wal-" Nai: "Yes please, my feet hurt!" Y/n: "Nailea we didn't even walk so much!" Nai: "I know but it would just be easier if he took us back. And also Vinnie and Jett could come and join us!" Vinnie: "That would be nice but I am sure Y/n does not want us at her house." Y/n: "No it's fine you guys can come. And then maybe we could get to know each other more." Vinnie: "You down Jett?" Jett: "Sure let's do it." We all ordered our food and headed to Vinnies car. He had a tall truck. It looked so cool. Jett: "Y/n you can sit in the front sit with Vinnie and I will sit in the back with Nai." I didn't even get to say yes or no when Vinnie opened the door for me. He helped me up because the truck was high and I but on my seat belt. Vinnie got into the drivers seat and I gave him the directions to my house. Once we got to my house we got out the car and walked in. Vinnie: "Wow nice house!" Y/n: "Thanks! Anyways let's eat at the dinner table." We all sat down at the dinner table and ate our chipotle. After eating it was a little awkward but I decided to give Vinnie and Jett a tour. After the tour we all just decided to play some video games and chill. Then we got bored again. Y/n: "Do you guys think we should go inside the pool?" Nailea: "It's dark outside and Vinnie and Jett don't have clothes." Vinnie: "Me and Jett have clothes in my car. It sounds weird but we always do just in case anything." Y/n: "Okay cool. It is dark outside but the pool has lights that we can turn on. I also have towels. And Nai you can use some of my clothes and bathing suits. Alright let's go get ready." Vinnie and Jett went to go get their clothes while me and Nai picked out our bikinis. Nailea: "Wear something sexy." She said with a smirk face. Y/n: "Why?" Nailea: "This is going to sound weird but make Vinnie horny." I looked at her and she looked at me. Then we both started laughing our asses off. Y/n: "Why would I do that!?" Nailea: "Because you should show him that you are not just a chick that he can play around with. Go hard on him!" Y/n: "Okay maybe I will. Anyways if Vinnie was nicer and wasen't a player he would already be mine." I bite my bottom lip and Nai started laughing. Anyways we changed into our bikinis.

*Sorry I cant upload the pictures so just imagine a pretty bikini for Y/n and Nailea*

After we walked downstairs and outside to the pool where Vinnie and Jett were. Vinnie turned around and looked at me. He was staring into my soul. I smirked at him while he could just not get his eyes off of me. Nailea: "Looks like someone is simping." Vinnie finally took his eyes off of me and looked at Nai annoyed. Vinnie: " Shut up." Jett: "Vinnie Nai ain't wrong. You were even drooling." I looked at Vinnie who looked annoyed and I smiled. Y/n: "Anyways let's get in before it gets more dark outside." We all got in and started swimming and playing with a beach ball in the water. 

45 minutes later:   

I got out of the pool to go inside the house and get some drinks for everyone. I was in the kitchen just pouring some lemonade in 4 cups when I felt two arms with so many tattoos on them around my waist. I turn around to see Vinnie hugging me. Y/n: "Vinnie what are you doing?" Vinnie: "You look super hot!" He said as he moved his hands more down my waist. I grabbed his hands and put them on my boobs. Y/n: "Is this what you wanted?" Vinnie quickly took his hands off. Vinnie: "I want more then that. I want to be inside you." He said while smirking. Y/n: "Well sadly, you can't." Vinnie picks me up and sits me on the counter. He gets very close to my ear and whispers something. Vinnie: "I saw the way you were looking at me at school today while I was making out with that girl. You know you wanted to be her so bad." I giggle and say something back in his ear. Y/n: "Actually, no. I did not want to be her. Because after you were done making out with her you went and made out with another girl." Vinnie looks at me annoyed knowing that I just ate that. *LMFAO* Y/n: "You know my biggest question is why where you so nice at the mall but now you are such a jerk?" Vinnie: "Look I was being nice I had a good day. Now I just want someone so bad but she keeps acting hard." Y/n: "As I should be. I don't want you just rail me and then the next day you go and rail another girl. If you want to rail me you have to make sure it's only me." I get off the counter and grab the cups while heading back outside. Nailea: "Took you long enough." By the way that she was looking at me I knew she knew that me and Vinnie were talking. Anyways after that we just kept having fun.

2 Hours later:

Vinnie, Jett, and Nai had left already and I was just in bed overthinking life. Like how did all of this happen on the first day of school? Did I really just have the boy that I have been sending letters to for 7 years in my house? Wait is he the boy that I have been sending letters to for that past 7 years? What if he is? My head was floated with questions. While overthinking and overthinking I finally was able to fall asleep.

Author's note: SORRY I HAVE NOT POSTED IN A MONTH I HAVE JUST HAD A LOT GOING ON. Some of my family members have passed away and school and Christmas. It has just been crazy. but I am back with a pretty spicy chapter. You guys I also got Vinnie's merch which I am exited for it to come. It already has been a month since I ordered it so hopefully it comes soon. Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter and I luv you guys sooo much!!

xoxo, Genesis <33333

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