Fuck it

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2 hours later:

Y/n's POV:

I woke up with Vinnie's arms around me. I look up at him and he is still sound asleep. God he's so adorable when he sleeps. I start to peck his lips and play with his hair until he wakes up. I then see his eyes start to open. Y/n: "Hey handsome." Vinnie: "Hello baby." Vinnie kisses me on the lips. Vinnie: "How do you feel?" Y/n: "Super good! I have energy now lol." Vinnie: "You hungry?" Y/n: "Yeah." Vinnie: "Okay, how about we go get something to eat and then I have to go drop you off home because school is about to end." Y/n: "Okay." I smile at Vinnie and kiss him. We get up and put our clothes back on so we can go get something to eat. We got dressed up again and got in Vinnie's car. Vinnie drove off the get some food. Vinnie: "What do you want to eat?" Y/n: "I am not sure." Vinnie: "You always say that." Y/n: "I know, but I never know what to choose. How about taco bell?" Vinnie: "Gonna blow up the bathroom after but why not." I laugh and kiss Vinnie on the cheek. It was currently 1:45 and school ends at 2:30. I was actually not worried if the school called my mom. I was just spending time with the person who I am so in love with. And yes. I have not told him that I am the girl that he has been sending letters so for the past 7 years. And I don't know how to tell him. What if he gets upset and never wants to see me again? Let me stop thinking about that and let me enjoy spending time with him. He went from my worst nightmare into my best nightmare. 

At taco bell:

When we got there Vinnie actually went through the drive through because we wanted to eat in the car. After we got our food Vinnie parked in the parking lot and we started to eat our food. Vinnie: "Do you think they will call out parents?" Y/n: "Oh they definitely will." Vinnie: "My parents will probably just call me and ask me why I didn't go which I could easily just say that I didn't feel good. But aren't you scared what your mom is going to say?" Y/n: "No. She can fuck off. I am just going to tell her the truth and say that I was fucking with the love of my life." My smiles and kisses me. After we were done with our food it was 2:20 so Vinnie started to drive me to my house because it was a 15 minute drive so I was going to get home after 2:30. 

At home:  

Once we got home Vinnie pulled up in front of my house and I was sad to leave him. Vinnie: "I'm going to miss you." Y/n: "Me too." We started kissing for a bit. Vinnie: "Anyways call me if you need anything beautiful.Bye baby." Y/n: "Bye love." I kissed him and walked into my house. It was already 2:55 so it took us longer to get home. I walked in and saw my mom making out with Tim on the couch. I was going to quickly go to my room but of course my mom saw me. Melissa: "Y/N COME HERE NOW!" Y/n: "What do you want!?" Melissa: "I got a call from your school saying you weren't at school today! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN ALL DAY!?" Y/n: "LOOK I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH YOUR BULLSHIT! AND YES I WAS NOT AT SCHOOL IS THERE A PROBLEM?" Tim: "DON'T TALK TO YOUR MOM LIKE THAT!" Y/n: "WHY DO YOU CARE? ALL YOU ARE IS A STRANGER! YOU ARE NOT MY STEP DAD NEITHER MY DAD!" They both came closer to me and my mom kept looking at my neck. That's when I remembered. OH SHIT THE HICKEYS THAT VINNIE GAVE ME! Melissa: "Y/N WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR NECK?!" Y/n: "NOTHING WHY DO YOU CARE?!" Melissa: "SO YOU SKIPPED SCHOOL TO GO BE A SLUT?" Y/n: "CORRECT MOM! I SKIPPED SCHOOL TO GET FUCKED LIKE A HOE! IT FELT SO GOOD!" That's when my mom lifted up her hand slapped me right across the face. Mother fucker! Y/n: "I HATE YOU AND TIM! FROM NOW ON I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Then Tim got closer to me and also was going to slap me but I thought faster than him and slapped him. Melissa: "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Y/n: "I WAS LEAVING ANYWAYS! AND GUESS WHAT MOM? I AM LEAVING AND GETTING RAILED AGAIN! BUT BEFORE THAT LET ME TAKE A LITTLE NAP!" I stuck out both of my middle fingers and left upstairs to my bedroom feeling mad, sad, good! At that moment I actually didn't know how I felt. When I got to my bedroom I dropped dead on my bed and started crying but also laughing at the same time. I ended up falling asleep. 

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