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Y/n's POV:

It was the next day from everything that happened with my mom and aunt. I felt so terrible for getting my aunt into this. I miss Vinnie. A lot. There is  not one second that goes by that I can't think about Vinnie. I miss his lips touching mine. His hugs. I miss everything about him and I don't even think he will give me another chance. It was a Friday and I had to go to school... I did not want to go but I also did not want to stay home because of my mother. So I got dressed into something simple and got my ass to school.

At School:

At school I got to class and told Nailea everything that had happened. Nailea: "I am so sorry for you Y/n. You are an amazing person and you should not be going through this. And forget what your mom said. Also fuck Vinnie, he can suck my balls." Y/n: "Nai... I really miss him. And I feel like I can't breathe when he is around me." I started getting anxious and tearing up. Nai told the teacher if me and her could walk out the classroom to talk. The teacher said yes and me and Nai walked out the class. Right when we walked out we saw Vinnie making out with a girl against the lockers. What...the...fuck... I ran away from them and Nai followed me. I started crying my eyeballs out and Nai was trying to calm me down. Nailea: "Fuck him Y/n! If he actually cared about you then he would of not done that!" Y/n: "Nai your right. But it's hard to forget about him. All those letters. kisses. Hugs." I stopped crying and decided that I wanted to leave school. So I decided to sneak out of school by myself and go to my house. While walking home I kept talking in my head about how i'm done with all the bullshit going on in my life.  I'm so insecure, I think, that I'll die before I drink. And I'm so caught up in the news, Of who likes me and who hates you. And I'm so tired that I might, Quit my job, start a new life. And they'd all be so disappointed, 'Cause who am I, if not exploited? And I'm so sick of 17. Where's my fucking teenage dream? If someone tells me one more time "Enjoy your youth, " I'm gonna cry, and I don't stick up for myself, I'm anxious and nothing can help, and I wish I'd done this,  before and I wish people liked me more. All I did was try my best, this the kind of thanks I get? Unrelentlessly upset. They say these are the golden years, but I wish I could disappear, ego crush is so severe! God, it's brutal out here! Anyways I got home and walked in. My mom was sitting on the kitchen island and looked at me. Melissa: "Y/n can we talk?" Y/n: "Are you not gonna ask why I am home early?" Melissa: "Y/n, I don't want no more drama in between both of us. And yes, I am confused on why you are home early but I just want to fix what happened yesterday. Please?" I walk up to her and sit down. Y/n: "Okay, well start." Melissa: "Y/n I am so sorry for everything that I said I promise. As your mother I meant none of that. I was just upset about everything and mostly about the way that you were treating me so I decided to let all my anger out but I promise I love you. I am so, so, so sorry for saying what I said in front of Vinnie. I know how much you love him and it was never my place to expose you. Please forgive me. I love you because you are my daughter and I don't want to loose you. I know it has been a hard time for you since your father died and then I just show up with another men and I promise I am sorry." At this point I felt bad for my mom and I know that I was also being an asshole towards my mom. Y/n: 
"Mom, I forgive you. Because I also feel like a jerk and total asshole for saying all that stuff to you. I love you mom and from now on I will respect your decisions." We both hugged. Y/n: "Oh and mom. I came home early because I saw Vinnie kissing another girl and I really miss him mom." I started crying in my moms arms again. Melissa: "Y/n i'm so sorry honey. Look, if you actually want Vinnie back you have to be strong and actually tell him. Make him feel like the one who needs you." I took my moms advice and decided that tomorrow I was going to go to Vinnie's house and tell him how I feel. If we are meant to be then it will all work out but if not then oh well...

Authors note: HEY GUYS! Sorry for not updating this book in so long I just literally am bored of it already but we only have like 3 or 2 chapters left of this book! Give me ideas not the next chapter and remember to vote!

xoxo Genesis, <333 

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