The next day

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Y/n's POV:

The next morning I woke up confused on how all of that happened on the first day of school. I think that means that the rest of my senior year is going to be crazy. Anyways I scrolled on social media for like an hour before getting up. I took a shower and dressed into a decent outfit.

Y/n's Outfit:

After I was done getting ready I received my message from my mom saying that she was going to be home in 5 minutes

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After I was done getting ready I received my message from my mom saying that she was going to be home in 5 minutes. I walked down stairs and the maids had already cleaned the mess that me and my friends made yesterday. Well I am not sure if Vinnie is my friend but Jett and Nai definitely are. I grabbed myself a bowl and poured in some cereal and milk. I grabbed a spoon and walk outside to where the view of the city was. I sat down at the table outside by the pool and ate my cereal while watching the view and texting some old friends. Next thing I know I see my little sister running towards me. I got up and gave her a hug. Madeline: "I missed you so much sissy!" Y/n: "Me too!" I looked up to see my mom waiting for her hug. So of course I had to give her a hug. Melissa: "Honey I missed you." Y/n: "Me too mom." Melissa: "Madeline go to the maids and tell them to help you take your stuff upstairs while I talk to your sister." Madeline: "okay!" I felt confused on why she wanted to talk to me. Melissa: "Honey take a seat." Y/n: "Is it something bad?" Melissa: "No I just wanted to ask you how your first day of school was?" Y/n: "It was okay. I made 3 friends..." Melissa: "Okay at least that is something... Your aunt really wanted to see you." Y/n: "Well too bad." Melissa: "Y/n I understand it's hard not having your father here but you need to get through it. What if one day I get a new boyfriend and he becomes my husband? He will be your step da-" Y/n: "Don't even say that. No other guy will ever come in and take my father's spot! Melissa: "Y/n! One day it will happen! I am 32 years old! Expect me to live another 50 years without a husband!?" Y/n: "Well that's not my problem deal with it yourself! Why can't you be a cool mother!?" I could tell my mom was fed up of me. Melissa: " I TRY TO BE A COOL MOTHER BUT WITH HOW YOU ACT ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!!  Y/n: "WELL YOU WONT HAVE TO TRY NO MORE BECAUSE I AM LEAVING!" I got up and grabbed my phone and airpods. I walked out with house, put in my airpods, and played some music to calm down. I wasn't going to leave the house for ever but I needed some time to leave. I love my mom but sometimes I just wished she was gone. I was walking for like an hour now. I had my credit card with me so that was good in case I needed anything or got hungry. While walking a car pulled up next to me and I realized it was Vinnie. Y/n: "Vinnie what are you doing?" Vinnie: "I was on my way to get some lunch and I saw you walking so I decided to pull up." Y/n: "Okay well you can leave now." Vinnie: "Get in the  car." Y/n: "What? No." vinnie: "Y/n I'm not playing get in the car. You are literally 1 hour away from your house." I rolled my eyes and got in his car. Vinnie: "Now are you going to tell me why you are 1 hour away from your house walking?" Y/n: "Well I got mad at my mom because she had to bring up my dad and she told me that one day she was going to get a new boyfriend and marry him. Which got on my nerves because I don't want another random guy taking my dads spot." Vinnie: "Damn I am sorry for all of that." I looked at Vinnie with tears in my eyes. Y/n: "You have different personality's. Sometimes I love your personality but then you can be dick." Vinnie: "Well that's just me. Now let's go have some lunch." He whipped my tears off and I smiled at him. But then I remembered that one thing.  He is my pen pal. The boy who I have been sending letters to for the past 7 years. I have the urge to tell him but it's better if not. It's going to ruin our pen pal relationship. Vinnie: "So where do you want to go?" Y/n: "I don't know. Where ever you want to go." Vinnie: "Don't start that because I hate it. Now just pick a place please." Y/n: "Okay. How about chik fil a?" Vinnie: "Sounds good." 

At Chick Fil A:

Once we got there me and vinnie got out the car and walked in. While we were waiting in line I was standing next to Vinnie and then this creep men like 30 years old was standing behind me literally so close. I was so anxious and I started to shake. At a point Vinnie realized and put me in front of him and he stood behind me.  I felt so much more better thanks so Vinnie. I looked back at him and smiled and he winked back at me. He's so handsome. I feel something for Vinnie but I can't let it win me. With everything I am not telling Vinnie it's not a good idea to catch feelings for him. But it's hard. He is so, so pretty. I can't hold it. Yes he can be a jerk sometimes but sometimes he is the most precious and caring person. Wait. I can't believe I was thinking about that in chick fil a. I then felt two hands around my waist which literally made me get the most butterflies I have ever gotten in my whole life. I look over my shoulder to see Vinnie resting his head on my shoulder. I smile at him and kiss his forehead... yeah I kissed his forehead... I mean he smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek! We were acting like a literal couple... Once it was our turn to order we ordered our food and waited for it to be ready. Vinnie actually asked me if we wanted to go eat the food in his car so we could talk without people hearing and creepy men staring lol. 

Back at the car:

We got our food and got back in the car. We started eating and just vibing to music. We were laughing, singing, dancing, it was just so fun. I had never felt like that before. I wanted to keep having fun with Vinnie but my mom kept boasting my phone with messages and calls. Vinnie: "I think you should answer your mom. At least say something like I am okay mom now leave me alone." Y/n: "I would but I don't give a shit." I looked at Vinnie and he looked at me. Then we both bursted out laughing. Vinnie: "Okay I am having so much fun but I am taking you home because I don't want your hot mom worried about you." Y/n: "How do you know my mom is hot?" Vinnie: "I saw her at the mall remember?" Me and Vinnie both started laughing again. Y/n: "Ohhh! Yeah she is hot. But my mom is off limits okay?!!" Vinnie laughs. Vinnie: "Okay! But she also has a very hot 18 year old daughter that looks like her!" I look at Vinnie and giggle while he is just smirking at me. *Btw y'all were eating in the back seat* I then stare into Vinnie's eyes while he was staring into mine. Vinnie leaned in and so did I. I then felt our lips touch and we started to kiss. I got on top of Vinnie while still making out. Vinnie had his hands on my butt while I had my hands on his neck kissing him aggressively. Then Vinnie whispered something in my ear. Vinnie: "Move around for me please." I started rubbing myself against him while still kissing. I felt his dick get hard and grow a boner. I then let out a little moan. We then saw someone come up next to the car. Me and Vinnie stopped what we were doing and looked out the window. Vinnie: "Don't worry the windows are tinted so no one can see anything inside." I look at Vinnie and laugh while he still had his hands on my butt. Vinnie: "As much as I would like to keep going I have to take you home beautiful." I said "ok" but gave Vinnie a sad face. He kissed me one more time before we had to get back to the front. Vinnie drove me which made me sad because I was about to leave him.

At home again:

Vinnie pulled up in front of my house and I look at him sad. Y/n: "Thanks for making it fun today." Vinnie: "No problem I will always be here your you." I kissed him and got out the car heading inside. When I walked inside I was my mom sitting on the couch drinking wine. I go up to her to make sure she is okay because she only drinks whine when she is not okay. Y/n: "Mom, are you okay?" Melissa: "Yeah I am okay. I am glad to see you back. Listen I am so, so sorry for everything I said this morning an-" Y/n: "Mom I should be the one who is sorry. Sometimes I don't realize I take things to far." Melissa: "It's okay honey. I understand how you felt and feel." I hugged my mom and then headed to my room thinking about everything that happened in between me and Vinnie. I couldn't believe it. I think I am officially in love with Vinnie.

Authors note: Umm, I don't know about Y/n, but I am DEFINITELY IN LOVE WITH VINCENT. Lol hey guyss! I missed you guys sooo much!!!!! I have just been focusing on my mental health lately but I am here and I am exited! I watched the whole hype house netflix show just for Vinnie LMAO! ALSO MY PURGATORY MERCH GOT HERE YESTERDAY AND I AM SO EXITED TO WEAR IT! ALSO TODAYS CHAPTER IS SO LONG😭Anyways I mightttt update another chapter in a bit if not then tmw it will be! 1800 words🤯 Tiktok and Instagram: Itsyour_sussybaka 

xoxo, Genesis <333

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