I thought...

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Y/n's POV:

It was the day that I finally had to tell Vinnie how I actually feel. I was scared and nervous but, come on... We only live once... right? I drove off to his house thinking about what I was going to tell him. I was so nervous and I kept thinking about my decisions. What if I just let him go? Will I feel better? Will I feel worse? 

Vinnie's POV:

I wake up and feel someone on top. Then I remembered everything that happened last night. I went to get a drink at the bar and ended up fucking my ex in my bed. I regret it so much because I miss Y/n so much. Her smell, her touch, her lips, her laugh... I just miss all of her. My ex wakes up and tries to kiss me but I back up. Emily: "What? Kiss me!" I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom. Vinnie: "Not right now." She rolls her eyes, gets up from the bed, and puts some clothes on. I also put clothes on and wash my face. I brush my teeth and walk downstairs. I grab a bowl and make some cereal. I sit down and eat it then I hear Emily walk downstairs. She hugs me from behind but I don't pay attention. Emily: "Can I have some from your spoon?" She says smirking. Vinnie: "There's some milk and cereal on the counter to make yourself some." I say with a straight face. Emily: "Why are you acting like this god!" Vinnie: "Not right now please." Emily: "Yes right now! And I know why you're acting like this. It's that Y/n girl. Why do you care about her? She lied to you! And I never ha-" Vinnie: "BULLSHIT!" I get up from the table and walk over to Emily. I get very close to her till we are 1 inch away. Vinnie: "What about that one time you lied about going to your grandma's funeral but instead you were fucking Jacob!? What about that one time you told me you were going out of town but instead you were fucking Jackson!?" Emily: "OK ENOUGH VINNIE!" Vinnie: "You know what Emily? Y/n is so much better than you! AT EVERYTHING! Even at sex!" Emily: "You know i'm the best person you've had sex with!" Vinnie: "NOT AT ALL! Y/n did it way better than you! But I didn't just like her because of sex, I  liked her because of the way she liked me. She cared about my feelings and about my personality, not like others who only care about my body and about how good my sex is! Or even about how long my dick is! And you know what!? I don't like her! ..... I LOVE HER! SOMETHING THAT YOU WILL NEVER GET TOLD BECAUSE OF THE SLUT YOU ARE!" Emily: "Wow so this is how it is!? I SEE! NO ONE WILL EVER TREAT YOU THE WAY I DID!" Emily went upstairs to grab her stuff while I was thinking about everything I said. Yes. I love Y/n. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Then I see Emily coming back downstairs with her stuff.

Y/n's POV:

I pulled up to Vinnie's house and took a deep breath. I get out of the car and walk up to the front door. I was about to knock when the door admittedly opened. I look up and see a girl with a mini skirt and crop top. I see Vinnie shirtless with only pants behind her. I admittedly knew what had happened. He fucked another girl while I was crying my ass off for him! My eyes get watery when I hear her talk. Emily: "Just so you know he so, so good at sex!" She says smirking at me and winks while she leaves the house. Vinnie: "Y/n! I PROMISE I DON'T LIKE HER! SHES MY EX! I GOT DRUNK LAST NIGHT AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW THINGS HAPPENED! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" Y/n: "I was coming to apologize... but at this point I don't even know why I am still standing here." I ran back into my car crying. Vinnie: "Y/N! PLEASE! LISTEN TO ME! I LOVE U!" Once I hear Vinnie say the four letter word. Love. I pause from driving but then it comes back to my head. NO. He fucked another girl while you were crying for him! LEAVE! I drive off with tears in my eyes. 

Vinnie's POV:

Y/n drives off but I can't just let her leave like that. I ran back inside to put a shirt on and drive off. I was driving to her house because that was probably where she was going. 

Y/n's POV:

While I was driving I was trying not to have a breakdown because I could get into a car crash. But it was impossible. The tears hit me very hard but I was still trying to focus on driving. Wait. But I was the one who lied to Vinnie first! He had a reason to fuck someone else because I would of have done the same thing! HE EVEN TOLD ME HE LOVED ME! For some reason I brake out of nowhere and I feel another car hit my car from behind. (Not in that way kiddos) My head hits the steering wheel and everything goes black...

Vinnie's POV:

I was on my phone while driving trying to call Y/n but she wasn't picking up! I kept calling her but nothing. It came to the point where I wasn't even paying attention to driving. All of the sudden I crash into the back of a car causing the airbag to explode on my chest, and the front window to break. I felt so much pain until everything went black....



Xoxo Genesis, <333

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