Fuck yes

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up that morning and it was late. I didn't feel like going to school but I didn't want to be stuck home with my mom. So I got ready for school.

Y/n's outfit:

 I walked downstairs and of course my mom was there but Tim was also there

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I walked downstairs and of course my mom was there but Tim was also there. Melissa: "You are not taking the car today." Y/n: "It's not like I asked you or wanted to." I walk out the house and shut the door. I was definitely going to miss the bus but whatever. I was close to my bus stop when I saw my bus already leaving and there was no way of catching it. I was tired from speed walking so I put my hands on my knees and take deep breathes. I then felt a car pull up next to me. I look up to see Vinnie in the car. Vinnie: "Missed the bus huh?" Y/n: "Shut up and leave me alone. Ghost me like you have all week." Vinnie: "Shut up and get in the car." Y/n: "Why? So you can ghost me later tomorrow and the next week? Yeah no." Vinnie gets out of the car and walks over to me with a death stare. Vinnie grabs me by the waist and pins me against his car while he whispers something in my ear. Vinnie: "I didn't ask if you wanted to get in the car or not, I specifically said, Get. In. The. Car." The way that he said it sent chills down my spine. He opens the door of the passengers seat while still looking at me with a death stare. Did I get in the car? No. Actually, I decided to run. I was running until I felt to arms grab me and pick me up. Of course it was Vinnie. He put me over his shoulder and walked towards the car. I kept trying to make him let go but he was just so strong. Y/n: "Vinnie let go!" Vinnie sat me in the car, put my seatbelt on my locked the door. He got into the drives seat and drove off. Vinnie: "Why are you so mad?" Y/n: "Why am I so mad!? Well you have been ghosting me all week! And then yesterday you made me fall on the floor and look like a total dumbass!! And then later that day I found out my mom has a new boyfriend!" Vinnie looks at me like "Oh shit" while tears come out my eyes. I couldn't hold it in so I started crying my ass off. Vinnie pulls me closer to him and hugs me while I cry into his chest. Vinnie: "I am sorry for what I did." I look up at Vinnie with my red eyes from crying and he looks down at me. Vinnie: "I promise you everything is going to get better." He cleans off my tears with his thumb and gives me and kiss on the lips. I smile at him and he smiles back. Vinnie: "Where do you want to go?" Y/n: "Shouldn't we go to school?" Vinnie: "Nah lets skip that bullshit for today." He looks at me and smiles. Y/n: "Well I am kinda tired since it is morning but I don't want to go back to my house." Vinnie: "Okay then let's go cuddle at my house since my parents are not there and don't get back until 9 pm." I smile at Vinnie and give him a kiss on the cheek. While Vinnie was driving us to his house I finally felt happy. Fuck my mom.

At Vinnie's house:

Vinnie had a gorgeous house. Yes, my house is bigger but his was also big and pretty. Vinnie:"Wanna see my bedroom?" Y/n: "Sure!" We walked upstairs and walked into his bedroom. His bedroom was a gaming theme. It was very cool though. I look at his bed and on his bed was a cute cat laying on it. Y/n: "Omg! You have a cat?" Vinnie: "Yeah! Her name is Hera." I walk up to her and sit on Vinnie's bed next to where she was. I pet her and she gets up and sits on my lap. Vinnie: "She likes you." Y/n: "How do you know?" Vinnie: "Because she would only let you pet her and get on your lap if she were to like you." I play with her while Vinnie is in the bathroom. When Vinnie walks out the bathroom he comes towards his bed and sits next to me. We stare into each other's eyes. Vinnie leans in and so do I. Our lips touch and all of the sudden we are making out. Vinnie gets on top of me and we make out while he starts to take my and his clothes off. Vinnie took of all my clothes leaving me with just my panties and bra. I grab Vinnie's shirt and take it off for him. I look at his abs and tattoos literally drooling. Vinnie: "You got a little bit of drool right there." He says while smirking. Y/n: "Shut up and fuck me." I say while smirking and kissing Vinnie again. Vinnie unclips my bra from the back and pulls of my panties. He takes off his boxers and I see his dick pop out. Before he puts it in he teases me and moves it around my clit making me more wet. I moan until Vinnie slids his dick in me which makes me moan more. He moves it in and out each time getting faster and faster. Y/n: "Mhhh, f-f,uck!" Vinnie: "Fuck your pussy is so tight." Y/n: "Right there b-baby!" Vinnie got faster and faster which gave me this feeling in my stomach that I had to cum. Y/n: "I have to cum!" Vinnie: "Hold it princess!" Y/n: "I can't! Please I want to cum baby!" Vinnie: "Cum and you'll get punished." I kept moaning my ass off. I couldn't hold it anymore so I cummed. I moaned even louder because it felt so good to release. Vinnie cummed inside of me and started groaning uncontrollably. Vinnie: "You'll have to get punished love." Y/n: "Okay, but can it be later because my pussy hurts." Vinnie: "Sure princess." Vinnie kissed me and got up to put some boxers on. I saw still laying down because my legs were shaking uncontrollably  and if I moved them it would hurt. Vinnie put some boxers and looked at me while smiling. Vinnie: "can't stop shaking huh?" Y/n: "Yeah, and if I move it hurts." I said in a baby way with a baby face. Vinnie: "Don't worry love daddy with take care of you." Vinnie grabbed one if his boxers and t shirts and started to change me into them. After he gave me a plan B so I don't get prego with a mini me or a mini Vinnie. Y/n: "Thanks bubba, can we cuddle now?" Vinnie: "Of course baby." Vinnie got back in bed and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.


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