Why at this moment?

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up that morning with Vinnie next to me. I got up and used the bathroom. I took a shower and did my skin care as well as brush my teeth. Once I was done I changed into a decent outfit.

Y/n's Outfit: 

After I was done getting ready I went to go see if Vinnie was up already

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After I was done getting ready I went to go see if Vinnie was up already. When I walked out the bathroom I saw Vinnie still safe asleep. I went up to him and sat down next to him. I gently kiss his lips about 3 times to see if he could wake up. And he did. He slowly opened his eyes as I smile at him. Y/n: "Goodmorning love." Vinnie: "Goodmorning beautiful. Why are you dressed so hot?" Y/n: "Well I just felt like getting dressed up pretty when I woke up." Vinnie: "Ok well how about you let me get ready and we can go get some breakfast?" Y/n: "Alright." Vinnie kisses me as he gets up and goes to the bathroom. After Vinnie was done getting dressed we walked downstairs and saw my mom, Tim, and my little sister eating breakfast. Madeline: "Hey sissy!!!" Y/n: "Heyy!" Madeline: "Wait. Isn't this the guy from the mall!?" Y/n: "Yeahhh! Remember!" Vinnie: "Hey Madeline it's nice to see you again!" Madeline: "Hey Vinnie!!" Madeline jumped into Vinnie's arms and gave him a big hug which I thought was so cute. Melissa: "Y/n isn't this you're little pen pal?" Y/n: "Mom not right now." Vinnie: "Wait what does she mean?" Y/n: "Nothing anyways me and Vinnie are going out." Melissa: "No tell him Y/n. Guess what Vinnie? Y/n hasn't told you that she is the girl that you have been sending letters so FOR THE PAST 7 YEARS!" Vinnie looks at me with a disappointing face. Vinnie: "Y/n is it true?" Y/n: "What no!? My mom is just crazy!" Melissa: "I might be crazy but I am not crazy about that!" Vinnie: "Why did you not just tell me once we met? WHY Y/N WHY?!!" I start feeling tears come out my eyes. Y/n: "VINNIE I WAS GOING TO AT SOME POINT I PROMISE!" Vinnie: "I DON'T CARE IF YOU WERE GOING TO TELL ME AT SOME POINT YOU SHOULD OF TOLD ME BEFORE I FUCKED YOU! BEFORE I FUCKED THE GIRL THAT I HAVE BEEN SENDING LETTERS TO FOR THE PAST 7 YEARS AND I DID NOT EVEN FUCKING KNOW!" Y/n: "VINNIE I AM SO SORRY! I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU BUT I WAS SCARED I WAS GOING TO RUIN OUR PEN PAL THING! AND I WAS ALSO SCARED I WAS GOING TO LOSE YOU!" Vinnie: "WELL NOW YOU SHOULD BE SCARED OF LOSING ME BECAUSE GUESS WHAT? I'M LEAVING FOR EVER." Y/n: "NO VINNIE PLEASE NO! I NEED YOU PLEASE!" Vinnie: "WELL THAT IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD OF THOUGHT OF BEFORE!" Vinnie left and I basically couldn't stop him. Y/n: "YOU SEE WHAT YOU FUCKING DID MOM!" I grab the car keys and walk out the house. I thought about driving to get myself some ice cream to calm myself down. I didn't want to be with no one at that moment. Not even with Nailea. I just wish Vinnie would come back and say that he doesn't care and that our love is more important but that would never happen.

At the ice cream place:

Once I got there I ordered vanilla ice cream in a cup with lots of different types of candy. I walked down to the beach by the ice cream place and sat down to eat my ice cream. I felt like the worst person in the world. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and the person sit down next to me. I look at the person and it was my aunt and cousin both sitting next to me. Y/n: "Auntie?" Aunt: "Hey Y/n. What are you doing here and why the tears on your face sweetheart?" Y/n: "It's been a long day auntie." Aunt: "Well you can talk to me about it? What is going on?" Y/n: "It's a long story." Aunt: "Well you don't have to tell me... If you want I can leave you alone?" Cousin: "Y/n what's wrong?" Y/n: "Well as I told you guys a long time ago.. I have a pen pal. And when we moved here and I went to my new school I found out he went there. He was rude at first but then we fell in love. And I knew that before we had sex and started dating I should of have told him that I was the girl that he was sending letters to for the past 7 years! But did I? No! And today when we were going to go have breakfast my fucking mom ruined it and told him everything. Just because she was mad that I cussed the shit out of her in front of Tim!" Aunt: "Omg I am so sorry sweetheart! My sister is so wrong for that! She should understand that you are having a hard time understanding the her and Tim situation. Look honey... I will talk to her okay? And we will find a way for you to talk to that boy again! Because this is not going to end here." Y/n: "Thanks auntie." I give my aunt a small smile and she hugs me. She is literally the best. Aunt: "Well me and your cousin are going to go shopping for a bit, so how about you come with us and I will talk to your mom tomorrow because today I can't honey I am sorry." Y/n: "It's okay. And yes I will like to go shopping with you guys." Aunt: "Alright then let's go." We walked over to the mall because it was close to the ice cream place. I felt so loved by my aunt. I wish my mom was more like her. My aunt is like a cool teenage mom. I love her.

At home: 

Once I got back home it was around 7 PM since my aunt took me to get some dinner. When I got home I tried to go inside my room with out making any noise. And mission accomplished. I got ready for bed and got in my bed until I heard my fucking mom moaning her ass off. I swear if this bitch gets prego i'm leaving this fucking house.


xoxo Genesis, <333 

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