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Y/n's POV:

Next thing I knew my mom and Tim blasted into my room. Vinnie gets off me very fast and covers himself with the sheets since he was naked and I also wrap a blanket around myself. Melissa: "Y/N WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!??!!" Y/n: "GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU CAN'T JUST WALK IN LIKE THAT!!" Melissa: "YES I AM BECAUSE I AM YOUR MOTHER AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HAVING SEX WITH THIS RANDOM GUY IN OUR HOUSE!" Y/n: "BECAUSE I CAN LIKE YOU CAN FUCK TIM!!" My mom walks up to me and slaps me across the face. All I though about in that moment was literally slapping her back. Y/n: "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!" Melissa: "NOT UNTIL THIS GUY LEAVES!" Y/n: "WELL IF HE LEAVES THEN I ALSO LEAVE! NOW TIM TAKE MY MOTHER OUT AND FUCK HER UNTIL SHE DIES!" Tim: "STOP IT YOUNG LADY!" Y/n: "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM NOW! BOTH OF YOU!" My mom walks out my room literally so mad she is about to start crying and Tim runs behind her of course. I look at Vinnie and Vinnie looks at me. Y/n: "Can we leave this place?" Vinnie: "Of course." I get up and get dressed up again and so does Vinnie. We walk out the front door trying to not let my mom see us. We get into Vinnie's car and Vinnie drives off to god knows where. Y/n: "Where are we going?" Vinnie: "You'll see." I smile at him and he smiles back. Vinnie drove for about 25 minutes. Vinnie: "So that is your step dad?" Y/n: "Yeah I fucking hate him." Vinnie: "He looks gay..." We both started laughing. Vinnie got to a very pretty beach and we both got off the car. I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand and we both ran towards the beach. It was night but the moon was very bright. I sat down on the sand and Vinnie sat down next to me. Y/n: "So why are we here?" Vinnie: "Do you not want to be here?" Y/n: "I do, just asking though." Vinnie: "I don't know to be honest. I just thought it would be relaxing." Y/n: "It feels very calm and nice thanks." I put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on my head. The everything came back to my mind. When will I tell him that I am the girl who he has been sending letters to for the past 7 years??? Should I tell him right now? Omg let me calm down and have a good time. Y/n: "I'm so confused still." Vinnie: "On what?" Y/n: "On how at the mall you were so nice and then at school you were a jerk and now your being nice again. Are you bipolar or something?" Vinnie laughed. Vinnie: "No. I just... I... I sometimes don't know how to act about different things so I just change my emotions. But I promise I will be nicer now." Y/n: "Okay. So are we like something?..." Vinnie takes his head off me and lifts my chin up slowly. He kisses me very gently and smiles at me. Vinnie: "Do you want to be something?" Y/n: "I'm really not sure. It's up to you." Vinnie: "So you don't like me?" Y/n: "I do but I am not sure if you like me." Vinnie: "Of course I do. Why would I take your virginity and leave you hanging?" Y/n: "Soooo..." Vinnie: "Omg! yes we are dating!" I kiss Vinnie and we both smile at each other. Y/n: "Oh, and drop all your hoes please!" Vinnie laughs. Vinnie: "Of course I will darling." We get up and walk back to Vinnie's car. Vinnie drives off and all I can think about is the fact that I am dating the boy who I have been sending letters to for the past 7 years! I'm so mad at myself because I should of told him before we started dating but no. Here I am being such a bad girlfriend. But i'm also happy I get to be with him. He is my comfort person now and has been for the last 7 years and hopefully will be forever. Vinnie: "You want to go sleep at my house? We can cuddle?" Y/n: "Of course." I smile at him. On the way to Vinnie's house I start getting tired and fall asleep. But then I feel someone pick me up and carry me. I open my eyes and see Vinnie carrying me in his house. I smile and he kisses my forehead. He lays me on his bed and takes off my shoes. He takes off my hoodie and since I didn't have a shirt under he put me one of his shirts on. He took off my jeans and changed me into some of his shorts. He puts me under the covers and all I can think of is about how caring he is. I'm really in love with this man and hopefully I don't lose him. He walks out of the bathroom shirt less with only boxers on. I smile at him and he gets in bed to cuddle me. I feel so safe and comfortable in his arms I fell asleep pretty fast.

Authors note: SORRY I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN LIKE A MONTH I HAVE JUST HAD A LOT GOING ON BUT I AM BACK WITH A BORING CHAPTER ☠ Anyways today's chapter is short and boring so I apologize so much! Yall Vinnie has a hickey but It's okay I gotta be happy for him! Also THANK YOU GUYS FOR 400 READS! 

xoxo Genesis, <333

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