Shopping Day

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up that morning and decided to make it a good morning. I got up and made my bed. I then walked into my bathroom and took a shower. I know that I took a shower last night but I just felt like I needed another one. So I took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my skincare routine, and changed into an outfit.

Y/n's Outfit:

Y/n's Outfit:

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Hair Style:

*Pretend that the hair clip is brown so it can match with the outfit*

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*Pretend that the hair clip is brown so it can match with the outfit*

For make up all I did was use foundation, mascara, lipstick, and that's basically it. I wanted it to be simple. I walked downstairs and saw my mom and little sister eating breakfast. My mom had ordered ihop since we had to buy groceries because we had nothing to home make. Melissa: "Wow, you look gorgeous!" Y/n: "Thanks mom." Melissa: "Eat some pancakes so then we can go buy groceries, school supplies, clothes and stuff that we will need. I sat next to Madeline and started eating. Y/n: "Madeline are you excited for kindergarten?" Madeline: "Yes! I can't wait to make friends!" I smiled at her. We finished eating and we put our plates in the dishwasher. We got cleaned up and put on our shoes to go to the stores. Y/n: "Mom, how are we even supposed to get to the stores?" Melissa: "Ohh I forgot to tell you, our new car got delivered today in the morning. It's a range rover, let's go check it out." We walked outside and I saw a beautiful white range rover in our driveway. 

The Car:

Y/n: "Damn it's nice

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Y/n: "Damn it's nice. Mom, you bought it?" Melissa: "Yep!" Y/n: "So am I gonna drive?" Melissa: "For today no. Get in the passenger seat." She smiled at me as I jokily rolled my eyes. My mom buckled my sister in the back and I put my seat belt on. My mom drove off. Y/n: "So were we going first?" Melissa: "To the mall to buy some clothes, then school supplies and then costco to buy groceries." I smiled at my mom and then decided to pull down the window and let the air hit my face while I looked at the beautiful view of LA. Once we got to the mall I got out of the car and walked in. Y/n: "Mom, I am going to go explore this place by myself." Melissa: "Okay please be careful and it's 11:30 so meet me back here at 12:30pm. You have exactly 1 hour." Y/n: "Okay thanks!" I had my own money so I did not ask my mom for money. I have been saving up money since I was 15 so now I have a lot of money. I first walked into American eagle to get some jeans. I bought 4 pairs of jeans. Then I went into H&M, Hot Topic, Holister, and walked into an American girl just to buy some stuff for my little sister. I bought her a new doll, some clothes, shoes, and accessories for the doll. I knew she would be happy because she loves dolls. I then was carrying so many bags and it was 12:25 so I decided to walk back to the entrance. While walking there I saw a handsome guy around my age standing at the entrance talking to my little sister. I quickly walked up to them. Y/n: "Hey Madeline, where is mom?" Madeline: "She went to the bathroom but she is coming back." Random guy: "I am sorry, I was not trying to do anything to your sister. I was just making sure she was okay and knew where her mom was." Y/n: "Oh it's okay, thank you very much by the way." I smiled at him and he smiled back. We locked eye contact and I got butterflies like I never have. Random guy: "Anyways, I need to go. Bye Madeline, it was nice meeting you." Madeline: "Bye Vinnie!" That is when my heart dropped. My face went soft and I was in shock. Random guy: "Are you okay?" Y/n: "Yeah sorry I just zoomed out. Anyways, bye." The guy left and I was still thinking about the fact that he could be the guy that I was sending letters to for 7 years. But then I thought to myself that there can be so many other guys in LA named Vinnie. Melissa: "Oh hey, your back!" Y/n: "Yeah, Hi mom." Melissa: "You look suspicious but I won't ask you anything." Madeline: "Sissy, why do you have American girl bags?" Y/n: "Because I got some stuff for you but I am not going to show you until we get home." She looked so happy and I smiled at her. Melissa: "Anyways, let's go to Target so buy the school supplies." We walked to Target which was not such a long walk which was good because I was carrying a lot of shopping bags. We got a cart and I put my shopping bags in because my hands hurt. We walked to the school supply section and I started to buy the stuff that I needed. I bought two black 3 subject notebooks, a pack of three sticky notes stack, a box of #2 pencils, a pack of different colored pens, erasers, a normal black binder, colored pencils, highlighters, and a black jansport backpack. My sister's supplies were mostly a rainbow and unicorn theme. We paid for all the stuff and left the target. We went back to the car. We put all of the stuff in the back and headed to Costco to buy groceries.  

At Costco:

We got off the car and walked in. My mom grabbed the cart. We were just walking around looking for stuff. We got so many groceries. I usually am the one who likes to pick all the snacks lol. After paying for the groceries we decided that it was time to go home. We put all of the bags in the back and headed home.

At Home:

When we got home there were 3 ladies dressed up as maids waiting in front of the house for us. Y/n: "Mom, what are they doing here?" Melissa: "Oh, they are our new maids!" Y/n: "Mom, we have maids now?" Melissa: "Yeah, because this is a big house and I work a lot so we won't have time to clean this house so I decided to hire maids to clean for us." I smiled at her and she smiled at me. When we got out of the car I greeted the maids and they were very nice. They took in all our bags for us. One of them even took my bags upstairs to my bedroom. I sat down on the couch and my mom and sister joined me. I remembered the things that I bought for Madeline from American girl so I gave her the bags and let her open them. Madeline: "OMG!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH SISSY!!" Y/n: "Your welcome sissy!" She gave me a big tight hug. My mom was smiling at us. Melissa: "Okay well what do you guys want for lunch?" Madeline: "I want mac n cheese!" Melissa: "Okay mac n cheese it is!" My mom got up and went to go cook the mac n cheese while me and Madeline played with her new stuff. 

After Dinner:

Now it was around 7:45 pm. I ate dinner and chilled in my room when I realized it was 8:30 pm so I decided to pack my backpack for the next day and put all the supplies in. After that I did my skincare and brushed my teeth. I changed into my pjs and got into my bed. I set my alarm for 6:00 am. I turned off all the lights but then remembered that I had not made a letter for Vinnie. I got back up and checked the time and it was only 8:45 pm so I sat at my desk and took out a blank piece of paper. I started writing about how I was already in LA and how my first day in LA was. After that I got back in bed and had to go to sleep because it was already 9:35 pm. I got under the covers and fell asleep.

Authors Note: Hey Y'all! Today was an epic one! And guess what? I wrote 1437 words! I am so proud of myself. But anyways it is Thanksgiving so HAPPY THANKSGIVING!🥳 I am thankful for all of the people who read my stories and I am Thankful for Vinnie Hacker! LOL! I hope you guys get to spend time with your family and friends! And also I might update later because my family is going to be coming to my house and I am going to get bored so stay tuned! Do you guys think that the guy named Vinnie that Y/n ran into is the Vinnie that she has been sending letters to for the past 7 years?

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