We were perfect together. until we met.

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Y/n's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I didn't know where I was but my whole body mostly my neck felt sore. I then hear someone walk in and talk. The doctor: "Hello! I am glad you are up you have been unconscious for a day." Y/n: "What happened to me?" The doctor: "You got into a car crash but you will be fine. It will take you a while to process everything because you hurt your head on the steering wheel." Y/n: "So I have memory loss?" The doctor: "No, of course not. It will just take you about a week to get back to normal because right now you will be wondering what everything is." Y/n: "Oh ok. Did I break a bone?" The doctor: "Luckily no. You just have some cuts and bruises all over your body and face. But honey it's time for you to eat so i'm going to go get you some food. I'll be back." The doctor leaves and all I can think about is Vinnie. Will he come visit me? I couldn't think about anyone else except Vinnie. 

Vinnie's POV:

I was in the hospital and the doctor had just told me that I was fine just that my sternum was damaged because of the airbag that hit my chest. There were bruises and cuts all over my face and arms. I could get up and walk around but not be so active. I was eating some jelly that the doctor had given me from my lunch.  I wanted to see Y/n very badly but I couldn't leave the hospital just yet. I was just eating and watching TV when I saw someone who I recognized walk in. It wad Y/n's mom. I was confused on why she was here. Vinnie: "Ms. Y/l/n?" Y/n's mom: "Hey aren't you the kid who was having sex with my daughter in her bedroom? Vinnie right?" Vinnie: "Yep that's me. Also I am the guy who she has been sending letters to the past 7 years." Y/n's mom: "Yep no wonder she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you." Vinnie: "Yeah, but may I ask? What are you doing here?" Y/n's mom: "Well I have come to see Y/n since she got into a car crash and the person at the front told me it was here but i'm guessing it's the room next door." Vinnie: "Wait what!? Y/n got into a car crash?" Then the doctor walks in and speaks for Y/n's mom. The doctor: "Yep. Y/n Y/l/n right?" Vinnie: "Yeah that's her." The doctor: "Yeah she's in the room next door. You're actually the one who crashed into her lol." My eyes widen as I think about the fact that I might have killed the own love of my life. Vinnie: "IS SHE OKAY? CAN I SEE HER?" The doctor: "Don't worry she's fine. She's having trouble processing stuff in her head but she will be fine in about a week. And yes you can see her. You're lucky her room is next door or else you would not be allowed to go." Vinnie: "Thank you." Y/n's mom: "Well i'll see you over there kid." I smile at Y/n's mom and she smiles back. The doctor slowly helps me get up and also helps me walk over to Y/n's room. 

Y/n's POV:

I was eating some jello from the hospital which is the best food from the hospital when I see a woman walk in. Y/n: "Mom?" Y/n's mom: "Hey honey! I am so glad you are up!" She comes up to me and hugs me. Y/n's mom: "Honey you don't know how worried I was about you!" Y/n: "I also missed you mom." I say trying to process everything. I then see the door open again and my eyes widen. Am I dreaming? It's Vinnie! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE? Y/n: "VINNIE!?" Vinnie: "Y/N!" Vinnie walks fast over to me and hugs me but I hug him tighter. Y/n's mom: "Damn she recognized you faster than she recognized her own mother." Vinnie giggles. Y/n's mom: "Alright i'm gonna give you guys some privacy." Y/n: "Thanks mom." My mom walks out of the room. Vinnie: "Guess what?" Y/n: "What?" I crashed into you..." Wait that's funny as hell. My straight face turns into laughing my ass off. Y/n: "You're joking right?" Vinnie: "Nope! I can't believe I almost killed the love of my life." We both giggle and Vinnie kisses me on the lips. He grabs a chair and sits beside my bed. He grabs my hand and kisses it. Vinnie: "I promise I love you more than any other woman out there. In my world you are my only woman." We kiss again and it's hard to take my lips off until we end up making out. Y/n: "And I promise I will never lie to you again." 

After the summer:

Y/n's POV:

Me and Vinnie were one more week in the hospital but then we went home. And at home, we basically made love. Y/n's mom: "You're going to be late!" On the bed, in the bathroom, in the kitchen. Vinnie: "Were coming!" We spent the whole summer in each other's arms. And the last day, we might have dragged out goodbye out for a little too long. Vinnie was saying bye to his mom and dad while I was putting his bag in the car. After the accident and after we graduated high school Vinnie had to move to Spain so he could focus on his career in college. Sadly I was staying in LA. He didn't want to leave but in the end I convinced him because it was the best for him and his career. Vinnie's dad: "Safe flight!" Vinnie: "Thanks dad!" We all would have loved if Vinnie's college had been in LA, but unfortunately for us, it was in Spain. And so after all, Vinnie went 1,800 miles away to study what he always dreamed of. My mom drove us to the airport and the whole way there I was grabbed onto Vinnie's hand. The day we said goodbye, I found out that this story, our story, had begun earlier than I had imagined. Vinnie: "I have a confession to make." He said while we were running inside the airport. Y/n: "Right now?" Vinnie: "I kind of already knew that you were Y/n from the letters." Y/n: "What?" That's what he told me. Just like that. He dropped his bags on the floor and gave me a tight hug. He gave me the gift of the truth.  Then we kissed. Y/n's mom: "Vinnie, the plane won't wait for you, go!" Vinnie: "I'll be back soon!" My mom came to hug me and I basically cried on her shoulder. I saw him walking away, gradually fading among the other travelers until he disappeared. That's when I realized that love did believe in us. It believed so much in what Vinnie and I had built that it taught us to let it go. I also gave him a final present. Something more straight forward. A tiny little souvenir. Truth is, at that point, we both had learned that sometimes, loving somebody also means giving that person up. Giving something up is part of love, same as love is part of life. Vinnie always says I taught him how to love, but he taught me something even more important. He taught me to believe in myself. And to finally be brave.

THE ENDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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