First day at new school part 2

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*Yall I forgot to do Vinnie's POV in last chapter so here it is*

Vinnie's POV:

Ms Jeon: "Y/n Y/l/n!" That is when my heart dropped and my face went soft. The girl that I have been bothering is the girl that I have been sending letters to for the past 7 years!?? Wait this can not be true. I mean she did say that she was moving to LA. NO, NO, NO. This can not be true. You know what. Whatever actually. There can be so many other girls with the name Y/n. But this girl even has her last name...

Y/n's POV:

THIS CAN NOT BE TRUE!!!!! IT HAS TO BE HIM. The boy that I have been sending letters to for the past 7 years... But is also can't be him because this dude is such and jerk and he acts nothing like the guy from the letters. But he has the exact same name as him. Uhh let me stop thinking about it.

After English class:

When the bell ringed I walked out and went to my locker. I was putting my English stuff in and taking out my math stuff. Nailea: "Heyy!" Y/n: "Hey Nai!" Nailea: "So how was English class?" Y/n: "Good but also horrible. I will explain at lunch." Nailea: "Okay... But anyways we have math together now so let's go!" I followed Nai to math class.  We walked into the math class and Nai went to go take a seat but I had to talk to the teacher. Teacher: "Hey! You must be Y/n, right?" Y/n: "Yeah!" Teacher: "Nice to meet you Y/n! I am Mrs. Kalat! Let me get the classes attention so you can present yourself." Y/n: "Okay." Mrs.Kalat: "Attention students! We have a new student today ! Y/n present yourself!" Y/n: "Hey, my name is Y/n." I was nervous but I got trough it. Mrs.Kalat: "Alright take a seat next to Nailea!" I look at Nai and we both smile at each other. Nailea: "Good thing Vinnie is not in this class." Y/n: "Yeah, thank god. It is the only class I get a break from him." Me and Nai both laugh quietly.

After Math Class:

When the bell ringed me and Nai got up fast and left. Nai: "We have art after so you won't need anything. The teacher gives you all of the supplies there." Y/n: "Alright so let's go leave our stuff at our lockers!" We went back to our lockers and put our stuff in. While I was putting my stuff in I saw a men who looked like the Principle walk up to me with Vinnie behind him. The man: "Hello, I am the principle of this school and I heard we had a new student today. Are you Y/n Y/l/n?" Y/n: "Yes that is me." The man: "Alright well I am Mr.Shin the Principle of this school. I wanted to talk to you about something. The bell is about to ring but I will give you a pass as an excuse for being late." Y/n: "Okay." Nai: "Is everything okay?" Mr. Shin: "Yes please go to class before the bell rings." Nai: "Okay on my way." Mr. Shin: "Okay well. Y/n I looked at your schedule and you the majority of classes with Vinnie over here. So I decided that Vinnie is going to be taking you to your classes today and also showing you around the school, like where the bathrooms are located." Y/n: "Thank you but I already have someone to help me do that." Mr. Shin: "And who is that?" Y/n: "Nailea! The girl that asked if everything was okay. She is my new bestie and I have the same amount of classes with her as I do with Vinnie." Mr. Shin: "I saw that but I would like that to be Vinnie's job." Vinnie: "She is right. Why can't Nailea sho-" Mr. Shin: "Enough! You are going to show her end of discussion. Now take her to art class." He handed us the passes and walked away. Vinnie: "Let's go annoying ass." Y/n: "Why were you being an asshole and now you are being rude?" Vinnie: "Shut up." I stayed quiet the whole entire time until we got to art class. Once we got there we handed the passes to the art teacher and Vinnie went to go sit down but the are teacher asked me to wait. The teacher: "Hello! Are you Y/n Y/l/n?" Y/n: "Yep that is me." The teacher: "Alright well hello! I am Mrs. Johnson!" Y/n: "Nice to meet." Mrs.Johnson: "Well class I hope you guys like Y/n and Y/n I hope you like this class! And I can tell Nailea wants you to sit next to her so go ahead." I go and sit next to nai. The tables were small tables with 2 stalls. Vinnie sat next to me but on another table with another guy. Mrs. Johnson started to give instructions. Mrs. Johnson partnered up a table with another table to make small a groups of 4 people to make 4 paintings and connect them together. She was going to partner up the groups so I was scared that she was going to partner up me and Nai with Vinnie and the guy sitting next to him. But of course since I have the worst luck in the world she made me, Nai, Vinnie and the guy sitting next to Vinnie together. Vinnie: "Great." Nai: "Shut up Vinnie." Mrs. Johnson: "Guys quit rolling your eyes at each other and started making ideas. By the way Y/n, this is Jett. Jett this is Y/n." Jett: "Hi I am jett." Y/n: "Hi nice to meet you Jett I am Y/n." We both smile at each other and then look away. Nai: "Well, what theme should me choose?" Y/n: "I think we all should make parts of a tree in different colors so then we can put them lined up in it's order." Vinnie: "Lame." Y/n: "Okay then what do you want to do?" Vinnie: "I don't know. Something like anime?" Jett: "You can't even draw anime. Y/n's idea was better." I give Jett a smile and he smiles back. Vinnie: "Okay fine. whatever." Nai: "Alright so let's fill out the sheet that she gave us so we can pick our materials after." We all sit down at the same table and start to fill out the sheet that Mrs. Johnson gave us to fill out as a group. All it asked was stuff like what we were going to do and what colors, materials that we will be needing, stuff like that. It took us about 30 minutes because we kept goofing off lol." After filling put the sheet we only had 5 minutes to choose our damn supplies so we did that and after started to pack up. We waited for the bell to rang and walked out. It was lunch time so me and Nai walked to lunch. We got our food and sat down at a table. Y/n: "So you coming over after school?" Nai: "Sure." Y/n: "Okay cool! My mom and little sister are going to be staying at my aunts house for a night so we can have the house all to ourselves after school."  Nai: "YESS!" We eat our lunch and while eating I see a girl walk over to Vinnie and start making out with him. And yes it was a different girl from the girl that he was kissing this morning. poor girls all falling into his trap. I kept looking at them and then I see Vinnie catch my eyes while still making out with the girls. He was looking at me and smirking while kissing the girl. So I decided to leave the lunch room with Nai. We got to our last class which was science. I get thru science class and it was finally time to go home. I grab my stuff from my locker and get into the bus with Nai. She gets off at my bus stop and we walk to my house. The house was clean and the maids were gone so me and Nai are about to get lit!

Authors note: Hello my luvs! I missed you guys. Sorry for not updating for the past three days I have been busy with school and my mental health. Yesterday was a pretty hard day for me at school since this boy made me VERY mad and I accidentally started choking him but he is okay and I will never do that again. But anyways I hope you guys liked today's chapter!

xoxo, Genesis <3333 

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