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Y/n's POV:

So it was 2 pm and I was just reading a book by the pool at my house. That morning me and Vinnie had actually went to go eat some breakfast and hang out for a bit. But then he dropped me back home and good thing my mom and Tim weren't home. While I was reading the book someone came up to me and snatched the book out of my hands. I get up and see my mom. Y/n: "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Melissa: "Y/N WHAT WAS ALL THAT LAST NIGHT???" Y/n: "WHY DO YOU CARE?? NOW GIVE ME MY BOOK AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" Melissa: "Y/N YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT WHAT YOU DID YESTERDAY IS NOT OKAY!" Y/n: "FUCK OFF!!! I'M JUST TRYING TO GET THROUGH MY TEEN YEARS WITHOUT YOU FUCKING IT UP!" Melissa: "OH YEAH? WHAT AM I DOING TO FUCK IT UP?" Y/n: "YOU'RE GETTING IN MY BUSINESS! AND ALSO YOU COME AND TELL ME THAT WE ONLY MOVED TO LA BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO BE A SLUT! AND YES YOU ARE A SLUT!" Melissa: "IT'S NOT LIKE YOU AREN'T A SLUT TOO! BRINGING RANDOM GUYS INTO THIS HOUSE AND FUCKING THEM WITH YOUR LITTLE SISTER BEING IN THE HOUSE!" Y/n: "WELL GUESS WHAT HOE? HE'S NOT A RANDOM GUY! HE'S THE PERSON WHO I HAVE BEEN SENDING LETTERS TO THE PAST 7 YEARS!" With that I got very upset and left. I ran upstairs to my room and basically cried my eyeballs out.  

2 Hours Later:

Y/n's POV:

I had just woken up from my nap. I felt icky and disgusting so I decided to take a shower to refresh myself. After the shower I did my hair, makeup, and picked out a cute/simple outfit.

Y/n's Outfit:

After getting ready I decided I wanted to go for a drive and do my own shit you know? For some reason my mom, Tim, and my sister weren't home but for me it was even better so I grabbed the keys of the range rover and drove off to god knows where

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After getting ready I decided I wanted to go for a drive and do my own shit you know? For some reason my mom, Tim, and my sister weren't home but for me it was even better so I grabbed the keys of the range rover and drove off to god knows where. I didn't feel like going to Vinnie's house or Nailea's house, I just want to be by myself and enjoy LA. I drived down to hollywood and decided to go shopping for some new clothes. I went into American eagle, Hollister, Hot Topic, and target. After doing all that shopping I got very hungry so I went back to my car and drove off to get some food. I decided I wanted some chipotle so that is where I headed to. 

At Chipotle:

Once I got there I ordered my food and decided to take it outside and eat is outside. While eating my chipotle I was watching "Through my window" It's literally my favorite movie. It's like a wattpad story but just that it is created as a movie. After I was done I threw my trash away and got back inside the car. I was about to drive off when I got a text message. It was from my mom.


Mom: Y/n I know you are not happy with me right now but I need you to go get some groceries since me, tim, and your sister are at the Zoo and later we are going out for dinner, want to come?

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