~3~ sandwich shop

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I walk into the Sandwich Shop to see Sapnap waiting at a table for me. He gets up and walks over.

"Hey," he says with a little smile, "I'm Sapnap.. Or Nick, whichever."

I laugh a little bit. "Taegan."

"Sorry," he face palms a bit, "I just thought I would like formally introduce myself."

"Understandable," I nod.

"Are you ready to order?" he asks, pointing to the empty line. I guess nobody else really wants sandwiches at 10pm.

"Mhm," I say, moving up to the front. I order my food first, followed by Sapnap.

"Have you ever eaten here before?" he asks as we wait for our food.

"Yeah, actually." I nod. "When I was in college, my friends and I would get these sandwiches to go, and then we we would go do a study-cram sesh for our exams at a friends house. We would always get distracted though and stay up till like three even though we had 8am exams the next day."

"How did you do that?" he asks, "I would've been dead."

"Lots and lots of Monster."

Sapnap laughs a little bit. "Of course you like Monster, just like Karl."

"Karl actually gets it from me," I point out, "His obsession started when he stole my drink from the fridge in high school, and then all the sudden he tried to make it his thing."

"Hate to break it to you," he says as he grabs our food from the employee, "but it is his thing."

I shake my head. "No, it's mine." I pull out my wallet to pay.

"Oh, put that away, Taegan," Nick rolls his eyes, "I asked you to help me, so I pay for the food."

"Oh," I pause for a second, "thank you."

"Of course," he gives me a smile. "Alright, we need to take a selfie."

We take a quick picture of us with our food. We pull up Karl's stream to see what's going on before sending the picture of us. The boys are playing minecraft now.

"Where did Sapnap go?" George asks.

"I'm not sure," Quackity laughs, "He kinda just rage quit and left."

"Dream, is he okay?" George crouches in front of Karl, "You're the one that lives with him."

"Uhh, let me go check," Dream mutes.

"He really did just leave us," Quackity jumps up and down.

"I know, How rude is that?" George's character does some parkour around the map.

"Send it now before Dream gets back," I tap Sapnap next to me. He presses send.

We watch as Karl glances at his phone on camera. "Oh, he just texted me."

Karl pauses from opening the message because Dream unmutes, "He's gone. Like his car and everything. He left the house."

"What?" George laughs.

"Maybe he just went for a drive," Quackity suggests. I laugh a little at that one, knowing how much he loves to drive around aimlessly.

"Or he's with my sister?" Karl asks.

Nick laughs at how Karl says it.

"What?" Dream asks, "Why would he do that?"

"Look," Karl shows the picture to stream, "He's with my sister getting dinner."

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