Today is the day Celeste gets to come home.
The doctor's said she would need to stay at the vet for a couple days after the surgery for recovery. Karl and Alex had to go home during that time. I'm glad they were both here when she got sick, though. I think it calmed Vegas to still have people watching him instead of just Clay.
Celeste has to have extreme rest for now, so she's going to stay in George's room. It hurts me that she can't play with Vegas yet, but I know it's only temporary. We can't even let Patches go near her.
"Careful," George warns as Nick carries Celeste to the door.
"I got it, George." Nick rolls his eyes.
Clay is holding the other pets in his room to avoid anything over-exciting Celeste, so he's not there when we walk in the door. Nick carries Celeste to George's room, receiving careful orders from George.
I smile a little as Celeste curls up on her bed. Her fur is shaved where they had to make the incision, and stitches line the middle of the area. Hopefully it'll grow back soon, but the vet said she will always have a scar where the incision was. I think it adds some bad-assery to her whole persona.
I scratch her behind the ears. "You know I'm going to have to come into your room three times a day to give her medicine?" I ask George.
"I know," he chuckles as he sits on the other side of her, "I didn't think you would let anyone else do it instead."
"I'll knock first," I promise, "but if you're asleep I'm barging in no matter what."
"What if he's naked?" a voice says from behind me.
I turn to see Clay leaning against the doorframe.
"Hey girl," he says softly as he pets Celeste on the head. "Look at that cut you got. I'd hate to see the other guy."
"Oh yeah," I nod, "The cancer never even stood a chance against you, Celeste."
Clay smiles as he glances down at me. "Never."
I let out a little yawn. I haven't been sleeping ever since the night she started throwing up. The idea of something happening without me registering it haunts me.
"You should try," Nick wraps a tight arm around me. "You haven't been sleeping."
I nod. "Can I lay down in your room?"
He smiles. "Anytime, Taegan."
I give Celeste a gentle hug, careful not to hurt her. "I'll be back," I whisper.
I grab one of Nick's sweatshirts and snuggle into his blankets. Vegas jumps into the bed and lays by my side. I think I hear Patches purring somewhere in the room as well. I feel a wave of relief once again rush over me.
Everyone I love is safe. Everything is okay now. Nothing bad is happening now.
And for the first time in six days, I fell into a deep sleep.
~author's note~
celeste is a sweetie and i love her lil relationship with george idk what to call taegan and george's friendship, but i love it.
tomorrow is a super important chapter so make sure to come back :)
have a great day!
all we have is now / feral boys fanfiction
Fanfiction"Don't be losers," I tell the boys as I climb onto the rock. "Come on, guys. Enjoy life." "It seems like you might hurt yourself," Dream shakes his head, taking a cautious step forward." "I'm just living a little." I shrug. "All we have is now anywa...