The Garden

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Spider man drops down from the wall and lands in front of the entrance. He meets up with Shane and Freya who is glaring at a JTF soldier pulling out some sort of remote from his pocket. He quickly spots explosive charges planted on the door. Shane walks up to the wall crawler and moves him back away from what Spidey quickly notices is a debate between former co-workers.

"Come on, Freya." Cade says. "The Rioters are a joke, and I did you agents a favor by coming up with a lovely plan of completing your mission.

"Blowing up doors isn't a plan." Freya scoffs.

"You're right, more like a brilliant idea." Cade counters before rising his shoulders to shrug. "Those idiots won't believe it be JTF coming in once they hear the gates crumble so easily.

"I hate to admit it." Spider-Man mutters to Shane. "He's got a point. It's the fastest way into the stadium."

"I agree." Shane acknowledges with a nod. "But Oliver told me he left his post at base."

"Oh..." Spider-Man sighs. "He set up the charges up himself. We may as well let him blow it up."

"And it be more fun that way."

Spider-Man steps in and stops the debate. It needs to end so he and the division agents can push through how many rioters are holed up in there. Sure, there wasn't a point to go that extreme, but Cade seems to be onto something. He speaks in a calm manner.

"Cade may have a point." Spidey says. "It'll be fast for you two to get in and reach for the hostages."

"And we get to go in with a spectacular entrance." Cade adds with a sly smirk.

"But the rioters could kill the doctors if they hear it go off." Freya points out.

"Freya isn't wrong on that, cowboy." Spider-Man replies. His eyes set to the JTF soldier. "You sound very confident that these looters aren't going to shoot the hostages once they know people are coming."

"Hey, web-head." Cade cuts in. "The rioters don't know what they'll be dealing with. Blowing the doors won't make a difference besides making things interesting."

"As much I'm excited for you to blow open the door for us, I'm not all in for rushing in blind and blast away." Shane looks up the stadium walls. "Our job is to make sure the hostages are moved out of the garden and secured in the post office. Spidey, will you mind telling us where they're keeping the hostages? We'll cause a distraction in the meantime."

"Sure." Spider-Man nods. "Figured I let you guys handle them."

"This is just amazing!" The JTF corporal cheers. He motions the group to stand behind him. "So... agents of the division, this is important. The JTF needs to show those street chumps we aren't a complete joke anymore, that they don't run this part of town anymore. It's time for them to meet the new sheriffs, that's you agents, who will show Spider-Man isn't the only one cleaning up the city. If we're lucky, they'll turn around to run and save you guys the bullets. Starting with a bit of shock and awe..."

Finally, Cade slams his thumb down on the trigger. The doors shatter as it makes a deafening sound. As the dust clears, Cade pulls out his revolver from the holster. He spins around and notices the agents fell silent, unmoved by his little speech.

"Nice job prepping the crowd." Freya smirks a little. "So inspiring."

"Oh, and there's probably some nice guns and stuff for you to take." Cade says quickly. Shane grins and claps a little while Freya rolls her eyes a little. The crowd is motivated. Cade points to the hole leading into the stadium. "Now let's go rescue those doctors!"

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