Take it to The Cleaners

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Peter returns to the JTF base of operations with Oliver and Freya at his side. Peter breathes a sigh of relief as he heads to the JTF's security wing. May is at the back sorting out clothes before she turns her head around to Peter walking up to her. She stops what she's doing and hugs Peter close. Peter can hear Freya walk up behind them and hangs up her coat before Aunt May separates herself from Peter.

"There you are!" Aunt May exclaims. "Where were you?"

"I thought of cleaning some clothes for the JTF." Peter replies. "I saw a laundromat across the street from the base."

"Peter, you didn't have to do that." Aunt May says. "If you wanted to help out, you can always ask me."

"True." Peter gives a soft smile.

"You gave us a bit of a scare, kid." Benitez remarks before taking a sip of some coffee. "Just glad we didn't lose a volunteer. But if you ever want a job out of the base, we can arrange that in time."

"Peter is good where he is." Aunt May snaps gently.

"Just a suggestion." Benitez says while holding his hands up. "Just don't leave the base without letting us know. You're lucky the Division agents are around."

Peter nods before hugging Aunt May. Then, he separates himself from her and heads up the stairs. He looks around to see a bit more technicians working on the base's electricity. He notices that the Division agents helped install a phone charging station. He walks past the desk charging phones and looks out of the balcony. Down below was a massive generator with a JTF guard writing things down on a clipboard. Just then, he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around to see Miles behind him.

"Hello Pete." Miles greets with a soft smile. "You like what you're seeing?"

"Yeah." Peter nods a little. "I just notice the JTF have a generator now to power the base. When did they install it?"

"They installed it an hour ago." Miles points out. "Now we can keep the lights running."

"And that phone charging station would be great use." Peter remarks before laughing quietly.

"Yeah, so where did you go? The base was looking for you."

Peter scratches the back of his head. He explains to Miles that he went to a laundromat to clean his clothes. Then, he quietly lets Miles know that the Division agents figured out that he's Spider-Man, once more inducting more people to the circle of trust. Miles nods and scratches the back of his head.

"How do they feel about it?"

"They really didn't care who I was, which is surprising for the most part. Oliver was shocked a young man like me was working for him."

Miles laughs a little. "He thought you be taller and older."

"Exactly." Peter laughs. "So how is your job as the Division's tech specialist?"

"Oh, it's a lot of work, learning, and fun. Quite daunting at first because I'm not exactly into creating tech to kill people, you know? The gunrunner has been kind enough to allow me to test the equipment in his firing range once he got it all working again."

Peter nods. He looks down to the empty space at the bottom of the room where the new generator, massive and powerful, hummed like a relaxed cat. The Division agents are slowly giving the base the vital items needed to sustain a crew and civilians that have come to seek aid and shelter. Just then, Paul Rhodes pokes his head into the balcony and walks in. He looks at Miles with an annoyed look.

"Miles, have you developed the sticky bomb? That cop is looking for you."

"Yes, I've got the sticky bomb ready for him." Miles says to Paul before leaving the balcony. Miles then turns his head to Peter as the two walk back into the technician wing. "That reminds me, I have something for you as well."

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