The Subway Morgue

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Out on the streets in Midtown New York are two men, one wearing a hazmat suit and the other in a boiler jumpsuit, reflective penny, and places a rifle down. The one in the hazmat suits inspects a special red incendiary grenade in his hand as they sort through items from a crate on wheels. A truck nearby is packing weapons, incendiary grenades, and other things to ship the supplies away.

"Look at this." The hazmat cleaner says closely inspecting the grenade. "It's a military grade incendiary device. That should burn nicely."

"I hope trusting whoever those people are is worth it." The cleaner in the boiler suit replies.

"Hey," Another cleaner yells as he looks up from his clipboard. "Get a move on, you two. We need you at the subway."

The hazmat and the boiler suit nod and take what they could carry from the cache their mysterious friends at A.I.M gifted them. The foreman grabs a piece of paper and writes down the amount of diet cola, orange juice concentrate, and gasoline added among their arsenal to create their signature weapon, Napalm B. The foreman shoves the crate A.I.M. gifted them into the back of the pickup truck and walks over to his truck to drive it back to base.

Spider-Man walks with agents Borovic and Oxton to the subway morgue with caution. They pass by civilians who are out on the streets on their own looking for something to help them survive, either it be food, water, or medicine. It's moments like this of the nightmare New York has become now and what needs to change for the better. Spider-Man moves his head to Oliver as they get close to the subway entrance a couple of blocks away.

"Just a heads up," Oliver begins. "With a lot of dead bodies, we will not be alone with rescuing Rhodes. There will be a good chance the cleaners will come by and sweep the place."

"Those cleaners." Spider-Man injects. "Any reason why they're called that?"

"I haven't met them, Spidey." Oliver shrugs a little. "But they seem to be attracted to morgues and places where it's likely to be contaminated. John, you got anything to add?"

"I got briefed about what's going on in this city by Commander Lau." Dr. Oxton pauses for a moment. "They're a more serious threat than the rioters. They wear hazmat suits, carry automatic weapons, and are setting New York on fire with explosives and incendiary weapons to clean up the virus."

Spider-Man tenses up from the bit of information. He makes a mental note not to get up close to them in case they deploy their incendiaries. Also, he wonders who could these cleaners be? Arsonists with a hero complex or something far darker than just people taking advantage of the chaos like the Rioters.

As they come around the street corner, Spider-Man spots a group of green and orange garbage trucks pile up in front of the entrance. Oliver pulls out his large machine gun as John pulls out a rifle. Spider-Man takes the lead and steps into the subway entrance. The smell of gasoline and fire hits his nose. The built-in respirators fill his lungs with clean air. Oliver holds a fist into the air, signaling the doctor to stop.

"The cleaners nearby." Oliver notes while stating the obvious. "Spider-Man, mind checking out for us?"

"No problem, Ollie."

Spider-Man slings himself up and forward with his webs and lands on top of a tall beam of steel looming over a set of stairs leading to a tunnel. He quickly spots a group of men in homemade hazmat suits, gas tanks strapped onto their back, gas masks over their faces, and steamer overalls with orange reflective tape. Spider-Man presses a finger on the side of his mask to activate his coms.

"I see a group of them with assault rifles." Spider-Man reports dutifully. "And they are just standing there, menacingly."

"Not for long."

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