Lost and Found

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"Well?" Spider-Man folds his arms and waits for Aaron to reply.

"Yeah, I'll tell you." Aaron sighs with defeat, like a child who owe their parents an explanation. He pulls the gas mask off his face. "I was in the Dark Zone looking for weapons and gear."

"Are you crazy?" Spider-Man exclaims. "That place is dangerous and contaminated with disease."

"I know, I know." Aaron replies with a sigh. "I thought the place was going to be empty, but instead I ran into a group of heavily armed Rikers that had better gear than me. I got away quick before those convicts could get me."

Spider-Man quickly glances at the M4 assault rifle Aaron cradles in his hands. It had some tactical attachments like a sight, an extended magazine, and a chainsaw attached underneath the barrel. He wore a ballistic helmet, a heavy flak jacket, kneepads, and more. Spider-Man glances back at Aaron as he tosses his assault rifle into the passenger side of the truck. The young gunrunner shakes his head to remove his helmet. Spider-Man folds his arms.

"By the way, cool looking rifle."

"Thanks." Aaron replies. "It's not exactly the most practical rifle I've customized, but it's cool looking. I still bet you're mad that I went into the Dark Zone. I get it, it was kind of stupid of me."

"Yep. I take it you learned your lesson and plan to never set foot again in the Dark Zone?" Spider-Man asks.

"Well, I can't exactly leave my loot behind." Aaron shakes his head as Spider-Man scratches his head in confusion. "Before I left the Dark Zone, I was ambushed by a group of Rikers. I had to ditch the loot underneath the car I took cover in before I fought my way out toward the nearest exit. I have to go back in and take the loot back to the extraction zone."

"Or..." Spider-Man sighs. "I could just retrieve the bag and get them extracted."

"Wait, you'll do that for me?" Aaron blinks twice as he asks with bewilderment. "Well, if you plan to go back in there, you're going to need this."

Aaron pulls out a flare gun with some rounds in a box. Spider-Man takes the flare gun as Aaron gets excited, clenching his fist and pumps his arm. Spider-Man shakes his head slowly as he realizes he is the only person that can enter the Dark Zone no problem. Aaron gets into his truck and starts the ignition, making the truck rumble to life. Spider-Man walks up to the truck as Aaron sticks his head out of the window.

"You're seriously getting my stuff back?" Aaron asks.

"Yep. Just promise me you'll never set foot in the Dark Zone again." Spider-Man replies over the rumbling engine. "Where is the bag and why do I need to use a flare gun."

"There's no way to tell the helicopter to pick up the stuff in the Dark Zone, so you will have to use the flare gun when you find my stuff and reach the extraction area. It should be in a yellow bag." Aaron pulls out a map of the Dark Zone and writes something on it before showing it. "The bag has a tracker that you can upload onto your GPS. I stashed it in a parking garage beneath a car before I ran off and left the Dark Zone. Get the stuff and I will never set foot in that dreadful place again."

"Alright." Spider-Man is unsure of this. "What if the bag isn't there?"

"I'll be surprised if those convicts found it, if there are any left. They were more concerned with collecting my head than getting what I was gathering. I'm hoping they will move on to somewhere else."

Spider-Man nods and climbs up the wall into the Dark Zone. He could hear Aaron put the truck into drive and move out of Times Square. Spider-Man freezes, going into deep thought once again. This is another crazy mission in the Dark Zone. What if the bag isn't there? What if those Rikers are lurking around? Everything about this request just screamed suicide. Whatever the gunrunner is cooking up, it better be worth the trouble.

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