Destination Manhattan

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Spider-Man drops down to the docks just before Freya and John enter and see the wreckage in front of them. The Osprey burns bright as Spider-Man starts to look around for survivors. John and Freya split up to help Spider-Man look for any potential survivors. The doctor waltzes around a broken wing before he finds a young agent pinned underneath the debris. ISAC scans the body before chirping a report.

"Life sign found. Minor injuries detected."

"We got to pull him out!" The medic shouts.

Spider-Man turns and sees the agent trapped under the wing. He immediately runs over and grabs the wing while John grabs hold of the agent's legs. As soon Spider-Man lifts the wing, John and Freya pull the unconscious agent out.

John flips the body over. Freya gasps. It's Shane O'Connor. John doesn't say a word and places his hand on the agent's neck and chest. Then he glances back at Spider-Man and sticks his thumb up.

"He's breathing. But he's feeling weak without proper medical equipment. Hold on..."

John pats Shane's body down from the chest and stops at the legs. He grabs the agent's first aid launcher and injects a health stimulus into the sniper's body. The young agent gasps a breath of life a few seconds later. John waves Freya and Spider-Man away with his hand.

"He's good as new. Go find any other survivors."

"No need to tell me twice." Freya replies.

A voice cries out from a distance.

Freya snaps her head to a terribly injured Faye Lau crawling to a knocked-out Oliver. Freya hurries over as Faye tries to pull Oliver back in her arm. She falls back and grabs her leg and cries in pain. Freya arrives and lifts Faye up onto her feet.

"Ah! My leg!" Faye cried.

"Sorry." Freya grunts. "Just lean on me."

"How the hell are we going to get to Manhattan?" Spider-Man thinks to himself.

At that moment, a small helicopter touches down in the landing zone. The pilot steps out to help Freya bring Faye into the helicopter. John pulls Shane to stand up and lead him into the helicopter. Spider-Man carries the unconscious Oliver on his shoulders. Many thoughts circulated in his head as he sets him down and takes an empty seat at the back.

"How did this happen?" Spider-Man thought to himself. "Please wake up, Oliver. I can't let you go."

The doors close. The pilot brings the helicopter up into the air and starts flying across the river between Brooklyn to Manhattan. John sits next to Faye and pulls out his medical kit. Spider-man watches the doctor wrapping a bandage around Faye's face and eye before glancing back at the unconscious police officer. 

Once John finishes with the bandages, Faye quickly takes a syringe from the medical kit and holds Oliver down.

"Wake up!" Faye stabs the syringe in Oliver's neck. "We need you!"

Oliver shoots up from his seat. Spider-Man sighs a breath of relief as Oliver sits up right. Shane pats the half Russian's shoulder as he calms down.

"Good to have you back." Shane pats Oliver's shoulder as he sits up.

"Yeah, you're going to be ok." Faye winces. "Hell, you're doing better than me."

"Clearly, Ma'am." Oliver coughs. "What just happened?"

"Our ride blew up. Having fun in a news chopper?" Freya smirks quickly before it fades.

"Yeah, that explosion took out the commander." Faye replies. "We still got a job to do. It's just..."

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