Napalm Production

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Spider-Man swings through the safe part of New York city. He spots garbage trucks parked nearby as he swings closer to the marked location on the GPS built into his suit's lenses. He takes a breath to calm himself down from all the excitement his body is producing. The Cleaners are about to be put out of business, which means fewer burning buildings and char-grilled corpses. He turns his head around as he's perched on top of a light post, waiting for the agents to show up as the entrance to the Cleaner's HQ is just ahead of him, adjacent to the street.

The wall crawler thought of moving in and start the party without the agents. He could whack, punch, and kick his way while the agents are hustling in the streets. Then again, the Cleaners are more organized and had expertise with fire and explosives, something that Spider-Man hasn't made a suit that would be resistant to the Cleaner's flamethrowers.

His subconscious thoughts are interrupted by a scream of help. Spider-Man turns his head in a snap and swings over to the sound of the scream. He lands on the ground and moves through a back alleyway. He hears a panicked voice and heavy breathing from a gas mask, only indicating that it's a Cleaner. Spider-Man climbs up the wall and gets a closer look at what he sees as one Cleaner pointing his rifle at a civilian on the ground.

"I swear, it's just asthma. Look, here is my inhaler." The man pleaded as he shows his inhaler. "I'm not sick!"

The Cleaner didn't say anything or showed any emotional reaction as he moved closer. The man on the ground was too scared to get up as the Cleaner ignites a little flame on his flamethrower. Spider-Man had seen enough and uses his webs to yank the Cleaner up to the wall. He webs up the Cleaner to the wall and drops onto the ground as the man gets up. Spider-Man finally notices the helpless man is wearing the same gear, boiler suit, and reflective penny as the other cleaner was.

"What were you thinking of joining up with the Cleaners?" Spider-Man scowls the Cleaner.

"I-I thought they were my friends, that we're here to save lives." The former Cleaner mumbled in panic. "Please, don't hurt me."

"He won't."

Spider-Man turns around to see Oliver in his SWAT gear with Freya, John, and Shane entering the alleyway. Spider-Man pulls the Cleaner up to his feet. The Cleaner looks around before coughing a little, due to his asthma. He brings his inhaler to his mouth and presses the button on top to dispense his medicine. The Cleaner looks to Spider-Man and the agents that have followed him into the alley, realizing that the situation has changed.

"You're not going to kill me?" The scared man squeaked.

"That depends on what you're going to do next." Spider-Man says. "You can go to the Farley post office and explain how you made a really bad call of joining the Cleaners. If you want to do some real good, join the JTF."

"I ca-can do that." The former cleaner muttered but raised his voice so Spider-Man and the agents can understand.

"Good." Spider-Man folds his arms across. "You can go."

The man takes his rifle and leaves the alleyway. Oliver shakes his head slowly after the ex-Cleaner walks past the agents and heads west over to the JTF's territory. Spider-Man flickers a smile under his mask, happy to save a New Yorker from being a barbeque from the other Cleaner. He looks up to the other Cleaner being suspended in the air by the webs. Then, Spider-Man exits the alleyway as the agents follow behind him.

"Glad you convince him the error of his ways." Oliver grunts as he pulls the straps of his backpack. "But we got something bigger to look ahead to."

"Yeah." Shane nods. "How are we going to take the Cleaners without using lethal force?"

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