The Devil's Due

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After several hours of resting, Peter's eyes opened to the dark bedroom. His ears pick up the chattering of people outside of the room. He sits up on his bed and looks around, finding himself alone in the room. Peter looks to the bedside table to find a fresh set of clothes neatly folded and stacked. The young man looks around again, finding that he has the privacy to change into something nice and clean.

After slipping into his blue jeans and putting his red and white plaid button up shirt on, Peter slides the belt on through the loops and adjusts his hair before walking out of the bedroom. Before he closes the door, he notices there is an air duct leading into the room. The vent is wide enough for him to squeeze through. As he steps out, He looks around and observes the base functioning like clockwork. He can see Aunt May on his far left serving food to a family sitting at a table. The parents look drained of emotion as their children eat their breakfast quietly.

May turns around and notices Peter who walks up to her. The young man beams a smile to his aunt. She smiles back and waves as the two meet up in the kitchen.

"Peter, you're awake." She greets him with warmth. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept pretty good." Peter replies as he looks out to the small crowd sitting in the cafeteria and notes the increase in people staying in the JTF's base of operations. "Never saw the cafeteria this crowded before. Since when did the base become a restaurant?"

"The agents and JTF are bringing people who want food, water, and shelter. Rumor has it there are safehouses opening up throughout the city." May explains while she walks over to the counter to fill the kettle with black coffee. Then she hands the kettle to Peter. "Anyways, enough small talk. Mind handing some coffee to them? I need to help the JTF make breakfast."

Peter looks out to the cafeteria and notices the sunken faces of regular folks who are trying to get by. He then takes the kettle in one hand before heading out into the cafeteria. He starts with a family of four sitting at a table. He pours coffee into the two cups. The mom nods and mutters thanks to him while the dad holds a young girl close to him.

Peter looks around as he held the kettle upright and briefly looked at the crowd sitting in tables at the cafeteria. It brought him back to the moments when he volunteered to help around FEAST back at the main headquarters. There were many people who needed a home, food, or something to get them back up on their feet.

He could see some people walk up to the JTF asking to help around at the base to get through this apocalyptic scenario. Either they're here to join the JTF in their armed patrols or to volunteer in the base like sorting inventory, helping out with the kitchen, and other menial tasks in the base. It reminded him of the classic saying when it came to FEAST, you help someone, you help everyone. Then, he snaps his mind back to focus on the task at hand.

He walks over to a lone brown-haired man in a grey suit wearing red sunglasses. He takes a sip of his coffee before looking up to Peter approaching him with a kettle. Peter freezes for a moment as he studies the man. He sees the blind cane resting on his lap as he sips on his coffee. Then, he remembers before the outbreak, a blind lawyer gave Peter his business card in case Spider-Man needed legal help. The thing that lingered in his mind is how did a blind lawyer figure out he's Spider-Man. He looks around before approaching. Perhaps opening up with a question can help.

"You want some more coffee, sir?" Peter asks as he holds up the kettle.

"Yes please." The blind lawyer replies as he looks up but doesn't look at Peter.

Not the question he wanted to ask, but it'll do for now. Peter pours coffee into the man's cup until it's full. He puts the kettle down onto a table and retreats to his room for a moment. After searching into his bag for what he had was a slightly folded business card for Murdock and Nelson attorney firm. Peter sighs with relief before heading back out to the cafeteria. The blind man is still sipping on his coffee while sitting on his chair. The young man pulls out the business card and walks back towards the lawyer.

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