Restoring Times Square

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Spider-Man swings above the tall concrete walls that guard the outside world from entering the Dark Zone. Many questions are filed away in his head, but they are fewer than before he infiltrated the Dark Zone. The Avengers for the most part are still out there, probably unable to step in and handle the mess themselves thanks to the messy warzone the city is in. Spider-Man looks down at the streets below and see a JTF truck moving on its own, perhaps it's carrying supplies for the residents who are homeless. The truck turns to the loading dock at the Farley Post Office, JTF's home base.

Spider-Man had one question on his mind and there's no point to risk his life going back into the Dark Zone. The best course of action would be Faye Lau in the base. He stops swinging and clings onto the side of a building before climbing down. He steps into an alleyway and switches out of his suit and into his clothes. He walks through the narrow black lit entrance and into the base. As usual, the base of operations is busy as Aunt May is working in the kitchen feeding the needy people who sought refuge from the streets.

Peter turns his head and spots Faye Lau on the radio by herself. She hangs up before shifting her focus back to her laptop. Peter walks up to the commander of the Division, hoping to get some final answers about the Avengers.

"Hello Faye." Peter greets with a warm tone. "I see you're working hard."

"Peter, what can I do for you?" Faye turns around and smiles a little.

"Well, I'm a bit out of the loop on some stuff." Peter began while thinking his words carefully to not give himself away. "After spending some time poking around in the city... with the help of ISAC you installed into my suit. I never knew the Avengers were involved in the initial efforts to combat the virus. Any reason why you didn't tell me earlier?"

"Well, you didn't ask." Faye smirked a little before shifting back to a soft smile. "I assumed you would have found out one way or another."

"True." Peter pulls a second chair nearby to sit down. "So where are the agents?"

"Oxton is out helping local communities out on the streets and Freya is out retrieving supplies for the JTF." Faye's eye glances over Shane's and Freya's dots on her screen. "While agents Oliver and Shane are out taking care of a power grid in Times Square."

"Wait, since when did those agents became the base's electrical repairmen?"

"Don't worry, Paul Rhodes is walking them through this." Faye turns her head back to Peter and drops her voice to a soft tone. "I know you're thinking about swinging in and helping the agents in Times Square, but you have been working really hard to keep the streets clear. Thanks to you and the agents, street gangs are scared to loot and there are fewer Cleaners roaming around. I just don't want you to shoulder all of our responsibility."

Peter nods a little, agreeing with what she is saying. "I know, considering I just got back. However, I'm in this fight too and I want to bring New York back to the way it was."

"Just take it easy out there. Oliver and Shane are walking over to deal with the power grid, so take some time to gear up if you want to. I'll come and get you when it's time to head on out."

"Thanks Faye."

Peter gets up from his seat and walks towards the stairs. He sees Aaron carrying a crate of weapons with Cade from the loading dock in the security wing before taking the stairs up toward the technology wing. He walks up and sees MJ on the radio broadcasting her report on the streets to the JTF before entering Miles office.

Miles looks up as Peter enters the room as the young kid repairs a healing station. Peter sits down and pulls out a blank blueprint from the drawer as Miles stops what he is doing to look over at what his friend is up to. Peter begins to draw a prototype of a suit on the blueprint as Miles looks over his shoulder.

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