Hudson Railyards

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A group of motorcycles race in a V shape formation to a factory out near the Hudson River. The giant sign, Alchemax chemical distribution factory, hangs over head of the gate as the motorcycles smash through it. They maneuver through the front shipping area before stopping in the open space of the factory grounds. The massive albino man is the first to step off of his chopper before the rest do and takes a deep breath. He could still smell the foul odor of hazardous chemicals lingering in the air. He breathes out and laughs.

"it's good to be back in the old stomping grounds!" Tombstone proclaims.

"Wish there wasn't so many abandoned cages in our way." One of the bikers complains. "One of them nearly knocked me out of my bike."

"We could take the cars in for parts." Another suggests.

Tombstone doesn't pay attention to the banter as a truck roll past the smashed gates and stops in front of the factory loading dock. The back of the truck opens up before someone slides a ramp. The driver hops out of the truck and runs up to the biker gang leader, ready to go to work. The rest of the biker gang gather up in front of Tombstone.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Tombstone growls. "Break open and get to work, pronto! The sooner we load up with the stuff we need for Grave Dust, the faster we get out of cold."

"You got it, boss." One of the bikers says as he pulls out a crowbar and lifts open the door with some effort. The rest run inside and load up the truck as Tombstone looks up to the sky and lights up a cigar. He takes a puff before breathing out smoke through his lips.

It's so different to be a rising king in a land filled with lawlessness, theft, and death. There are no cops around, just volunteers of the JTF who are barely trained to fight. Still, with rumors of Spider-Man not being dead only upped the thrill for a fight. The JTF aren't much of a match against a man like him, who is practically bullet proof. It's not sporting to him. Wherever Spider-Man is, he better hurry up and come to where he would likely be, restarting the chemical factory to produce chemicals for his signature concoction.

He hears a thwip sound, causing him to look up to the sky. He could see Spider-Man swinging high above in the sky. He quickly notices he's carrying someone on his back before disappearing behind a building. He wondered briefly who that person was. Perhaps it was a civilian being escorted out of danger. Tombstone shakes his head and turns around. Spider-Man isn't going to show up and fight him, just yet. He walks into the factory and checks up on his men.


Spider-Man carried Freya as he gently drops down onto the top of a random building that stands across from the entrance into the Hudson Railyards. Freya walks slowly as Spider-Man lets her go and starts shaking. Spider-Man grows worried under his mask. The trip took fifteen minutes of web swinging, and he didn't check on his passenger.

"Are you ok?" Spider-Man asks.

"I'm fine. Just need a minute to gather my bearings." Freya takes a breath to calm herself down. "I was more worried about you dropping me, to be honest."

"It sure beats taking the subway though."

"True." Freya says before opening the fire escape to get down from the building. Spider-Man crawls down from the building and drops onto his feet as Freya emerges from the building. She cocks back the level of her submachine gun and walks with Spider-Man through the gate. The descend the steps as Freya calls in Faye Lau.

"Lau, I'm at the Hudson Railyards with Spider-Man." Freya reports on her coms.

"Lau reading you." Faye reports. "Glad you have some help from the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Kandel is on the line. Take it away, doctor."

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