City Cleanup

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Peter breathes and sits right up on his bed, feeling refreshed and well rested. He yawns and stretches his limbs out and looks around in the room to find Oliver, Freya, and John sleeping in separate beds. It's good to see they let the Division agents rest for a bit before going back out onto the fight to take back the streets from the Rioters, Cleaners, and Rikers. On a table is a stack of neatly folded clothes. Peter looks at the sticky note attached to a clean shirt and reads the message written.

I heard you haven't slept for a few days. Glad you got some rest. I collected some clothes donated from the JTF. These should fit you, hopefully. Please eat whenever you can. With much love.  -Aunt May

Peter beams as he pulls the sticky note off of the buttoned-down shirt and slips onto the new pairs of clothes. He slips it on with little trouble. The clothes are plain and simple, not too weird, or flashy. It reminded him of the clothes he would wear to Midtown High School. He stuffs his old clothes into a laundry bin to clean them off, that is if when the base can install some way to clean clothes. Perhaps he could swing by to a laundromat once the streets are a bit safer.

Peter finally puts on his clothes and quietly leaves the room to avoid waking up the Division agents. He steps outside and looks to the sharpshooter, Shane, sitting on a chair by the door. He turns his head and smiles softly. The young man eyes widen a little as the agent stands up and waves.

"Good to see you're well rested, buddy." Shane greets with a nod.

"Yeah, I needed the sleep." Peter replies. "What or who are you waiting for?"

"Well, I was about to knock in and ask Oliver if he wants to rescue some hostages held by rioters up in 7th and 39th street. I'm just waiting till he wakes up." Shane chuckles before calming himself down. "I have to say I'm impressed what you helped Miles create. A seeker mine that stops hostiles in their tracks. If there's one person I would trust to handle SHD tech, it would be him."

"Thanks." Peter beamed. "I'll pass that along to him."

"Of course." Shane nods. "Hey, just curious. How did you get the sticky adhesive for it?"

Peter freezes in place and laughs nervously. He realized he forgot about coming up with an explanation for the webbing. Thankfully Miles didn't give Shane the truth on how he got it. His mind quickly thought of a perfect cover story for the former hitman of the Maggia crime family.

"I've created them myself." Peter began. "Then I drop it off at a discreet location for Spider-Man."

"So, you're kind of a science wiz?" Shane raises an eyebrow.


Peter waits for Shane to reply as he rubs his chin in thought. "That makes sense. For a young kid, I'm impressed you helped Miles improve our tech. Lord knows what else you can do to help around here."

Peter nods a little. "Yeah, which is why I like volunteering for the JTF."

Then, the door opens as if it was on cue. Oliver slowly walks out and yawns as he stretches his arms out. Shane stands up from his chair and nods to Peter before splitting off to talk with the former SWAT captain. Just as he looks around, he notices Faye making her way over in crutches. She glances at Peter as Oliver and Shane head to the basement for some weapons from the JTF's friendly arms dealer. Peter walks up to Faye as she sits down on a chair.

"Good to see you up and about." Faye greets with a smile. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm kind of wondering what intel you have that would be good for Spider-Man." Peter replies while checking both sides of the base.

Faye grins before nodding a little. She gets back on her crutches and leads Peter to her desk by the main entrance. Peter glances at the woman slowly healing from that helicopter explosion in Brooklyn. He couldn't pity her because she is doing the best she can despite her injuries. She's the person behind the computer, guiding her agents through the mission safely. She sits down and looks up to Peter who pulls a chair up to sit down. 

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