Into the Dark Zone

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After several minutes of walking and Spider-Man leaping from one rooftop to the other to survey the streets ahead for any hostiles, Oliver halts his squad's advance by holding up his fist. Aaron is the first to crouch on one knee and level his rifle as the rest of the JTF recruits follow and watch Oliver check his map through his high-tech contact lenses. Spider-Man jumps down onto his feet and walks up to the JTF soldiers.

"How are we doing today?" Spider-Man asks to the JTF soldiers.

"Glad you're still with us, Spidey." One of the recruits replied with awe. "Are you working with the Division agent?"

"Well, yeah." Spider-Man nods. "We make a good team."

"Good." The recruit looks over to Oliver. "How much further, agent?"

"Not much further." Says Oliver while his contact lenses project a holographic map of New York. He scratches his head as he studies the holographic map projecting on the ground. "Just need to find out which building it is in. The hotel or the one next to it on the right."

Oliver blinks twice to turn the map off. Then, he looks up and spots a lone woman in a grey coat walking slowly. ISAC scans the woman and identifies her as not only a friendly, but someone in need of food. Oliver digs into his backpack and pulls out a can of food before approaching the woman. She stops as the former SWAT officer hands her the can. She smiles back with gratitude and fishes into her purse before handing Oliver a pair of gloves.

"I thought kindness has died in this city. Thank you." She waves to Oliver before looking up to Spider-Man who is walking up to SWAT officer. "You're back?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Spider-Man nods. "You need a place to stay?"

"No, I'm just looking for food for my kids." She says before turning around to leave.

"Wait," Spider-Man replies quickly. "There's more at the Farley Post office. Plus, your kids will be safe there."

"I got a better idea, Ma'am. Follow us." Oliver commands bluntly. "We were on our way to a JTF safehouse that's perfectly safe for you and your kids over wherever you are hiding."

The woman hesitates at first, perhaps thinking if she should abandon someplace, she's used to for something new and perhaps safer than the place she hides away in with her kids. Then she accepts the offer with a nod and moves with the JTF unit. Oliver walks into an alleyway and begins to search while holding his pistol out. Spider-Man notices a white circle with an arrow below pointing to the right. Oliver notices it a moment later and turns to the door, refusing to lower his pistol as he steps into the building. Spider-Man walks up to Oliver, finally making him lower his pistol.

"What's getting you on edge?" Spider-Man asks.

"Just standard room entry sweep." Oliver fires back. "Something I have to show the JTF recruits."

"We're entering into a safehouse, not storming into a rioters hideout."

Oliver hesitates for a moment before he puts his pistol back into his holster and takes a deep breath. He walks inside with Spider-Man and the group of soldiers and a civilian following behind. Oliver stares at the door marked with a small orange circle before unlocking it. He opens the door and steps inside. As Spider-Man brings the group of soldiers and a civilian inside, he could hear the radio station of "Wouldn't Ya Know it" playing out loud. He could see civilians looking up from their sleeping bags at the Division agent and Spider-Man.

Oliver walks over to sign ISAC into a computer acting as the base's terminal. The JTF spread out and get into their stations. One begins going over a map of the city, another gets behind a desk to sell weapons to the JTF and civilians, and one more soldier begins to get on the coms to radio in the Farley Post Office and confirm that the Safehouse is up and running. Oliver sits down on a chair and breathes in, giving himself time to rest briefly. Spider-Man walks over to Oliver.

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