Home Sweet Home

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Gun fire rages loud at the front of the post office. A group of JTF soldiers form a defensive semi-circle in front of the steps leading up to the main entrance of the post office. The rioters surround their position with more numbers and fire at the JTF relentlessly with pistols. JTF dispatch shouts on the radio.

"We need better people to hold this line. Misfit squad, get out there and take care of them."

Five more JTF soldiers burst out of the post office with above average weapons. Sergeant Jefferson Davis with a semi-automatic rifle, Private Aaron Richards cradles a good M4 assault rifle, and Corporal Cade Brooks moving into action with a stable and powerful revolver. Two ex-SWAT officers, Eric Haines and Larry Glaser, make the rest of battle hardened rag tag group of volunteers: Misfit Squad.

Glasner and Haines break off to cover the left side. Richards takes the front with Cade and Davis before ducking behind cover alone as the rioters return fire. Cade quickly rolls to the side to dodge a smoke bomb thrown in his way. The gunslinger scurries over to tap the shoulder of his superior.

"These guys are hitting us hard!" He hollers.

JTF Sergeant Jefferson Davis nods and pops out to take a rioter down in a couple of shots. "They're just punks with pistols. Just hold the line and we'll thin them down..."

A heavily armed rioter named Poole arrives with a group of his people and starts firing away at the hip with his RPK-47. It proved to be a superior weapon compared to the JTF's issued rifles and pistols. Davis drops behind the concrete barrier and curses quietly.

"Huh, how does a punk get something like that?" Cade notes as Poole sprays his LMG at the post office. "Seriously, we need guns like that."

"He isn't hot shit. He's firing the damn thing from the hip like a reckless amateur." Private Richards sighs.

"How are we even outgunned by these hoodlums, Richards?" Glaser shouts.

"He likely got it from those damn convicts and you know how they feel about us." Richards fires back. "Damn it, we are screwed."

"Hold up, someone just tapped into my channel." Davis presses the headphone against his ear. "Identify yourself."

"Dispatch? This is Division agent Faye Lau, empowered and authorized by executive order and DHS Directive 51."

"Whoever you are, we're under an all-out assault. I'm not sure how much help you'll-." Gun fire zipping above the young corporal's head interrupts his thoughts. "Ok, Screw it! We'll take anything you can give us. How the hell are you in my coms?"

"We've got your back. Just try not to shoot anyone trying to help." Faye Lau kills her line, leaving the trio of JTF soldiers to shrug and accept what she's got in her pocket.

"Works for me," Cade says to his superior. "I'm about tired of having to doing all the work."

The SWAT officer hustles with his fellow SHD agents as they move in to break up the rioters surrounding the JTF. Oliver makes a signal with his hand to split the group up. ISAC patches the agents into the JTF's local radio comms.

"Unit 43; be advised. You have incoming Division agents as back up to your location"

"About damn time you got us some help." Sgt Davis shouts. "Bring them here now!"

The rioters are unaware the agents are flanking. Freya drops her seeker mine on the ground as she runs for cover. It quickly beeps and rolls for the nearest rioter. She slides behind a concrete barrier as her toy takes out a group of looters with a powerful explosion.

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