The Man on Fire

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The armored burning man slams his fists together as he growls. His hands erupts into flames, making Spider-Man back away a little. The agents take each side of the wide room and open fire at Molten Man. Molten Man glares as the bullets bounce off of his armor. Shane coughs before he gulps another lungful of air and fires several rounds from his sniper rifle at Molten Man's chest. Spider-Man calls Faye Lau through his mask as the agents shoot at Molten Man's armored suit.

"Are you seeing this, Commander?"

"Yes, who is that guy and what is he wearing?"

"Not sure if it's a new player or one of the Cleaners." Spider-Man replies. "

"You're saying he isn't one of your enemies?" Faye pauses on the coms. "Anyway, we cannot let it get near our agents or our work at the department store would have been for nothing."

"Yeah, I'm going to find a way to hurt him without burning myself." Spider-Man cuts the coms and glares back at Molten Man. "Hey, are you a Cleaner?"

"What kind of question is that?" Molten Man growls. "Anyways, it's good to see you Spider-Man."

"Wait, why me?" Spider-Man asks.

The armored fire man doesn't retort and lifts a jewelry display case before tossing it at the wall crawler. Spider-Man jumps to the side and slings the jewelry case back. It smacks Molten Man, making him wince and snarl. He quickly charges at Spider-Man and grabs him with one hand and slams him onto ground. Spider-Man coughs as Molten Man presses his foot down on his chest. His foot makes Spider-Man cry out in pain as he feels the heat rising from his boot.

"Seriously? You can light yourself on fire?" Spider-Man asks as he cries out. "Does it even hurt you?"

"No, but I'll cook you really quick." The armored fireman growls as he presses his burning foot down.

John quickly fires at Molten Man, hoping to bring him down. Shane switches to his sticky bomb launcher and fires a single round onto Molten Man's head before pressing the trigger, stunning him with a bright flash. Molten Man wobbles and steps off of Spider-Man in the blinding light.

"What is this stuff?" Molten Man roars.

Spider-Man backs away before John shoots him with a first aid stimulus. He then back to shooting at Molten Man. Spider-Man fires a series of webs at the man on fire, however, the intense heat burns away the webs slowly. He snaps his arms free and stomps over to Spider-Man.

"Oh, come on! That usually works." Spider-Man says as he dodges another fireball. "Note to self, make my webs have a fireproof compound. Possibly the suit too."

"Doc, bullets aren't doing anything to the hot head over there." Shane shouts over to John before ducking down and retreating to a nearby store. The Doctor SHD agent turns around and glances at Shane searching through the store.

"Wait, where are you going?" John asks.

"This place has to have something that can slow him down." Shane shouts as he ducks behind the store.

John snaps his head around as Spidey is knocked back several feet by the burning man in the chrome suit. He clenches his fists and erupts into a blast of heat and flame. Then, he points his arm out at Spider-Man and shoots a streak of fire. John quickly throws a support station near Spider-Man's position as the flames reach to him. The support station heals Spider-Man of his wounds and protect him from the fire screaming over him.

Well, this isn't going well. Spider-Man coughs. Get up, Peter.

Spider-Man struggles to get up, making John run over to him as he points his weapon at Molten Man.

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