Artistical Science

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The winter weather outside is calm, but cold to the JTF patrolling the outer perimeter of the base. The team of four volunteers scanned through the messy street of piled up cars for any hostiles in sight, even though no one dared to attack the base of operations. Still, with everything that's quiet there should be no reason to drop their guard down. One of them glances at their watch on their wrist to see when it's time to switch shifts with the second team. Then, a thwip sound is heard from a distance. The volunteers heard it too, but don't pay attention to it as they assume it's nothing to worry about.

Suddenly, Spider-Man swings in and drops to the ground gracefully, trying his best not to make the landing rough for the young lawyer that's clinging onto him. The JTF soldiers were about to level their weapons to their shoulders. But as they realize it's Spider-Man, they stand at ease and watch Franklin slowly let go of Spider-Man's shoulders. The other half of Nelson and Murdock associates takes a moment to steady himself. Spider-Man walks forward and pats Franklin's shoulder.

"I wasn't too rough on the landing, was I?" Spider-Man asks Franklin in a calm manner, hoping not to scare the defense attorney.

"It's fine. Really." Foggy replies. "I just need to head inside and see Matt. Thank you, Spider-Man."

"No problem." Spider-Man replies before snapping his head to the JTF soldiers staring at the wall crawler. "Take it easy, boys. This one is clean."

"Good. We'll take it from here."

The voice comes from Sergeant Jefferson Davis walking out of the base with two more JTF soldiers escorting him. He waves to Franklin before the two soldiers bring him inside, perhaps to double check if this person is clear of the Dollar Flu. The squad leader of Misfit Squad nods in a sign of respect to the wall crawler before he turns around to head back inside. A beeping can be heard from Spider-Man's mask. A small icon containing Shane's face, name, and phone number appeared in his lenses. Spider-Man wastes no time to answer the call.

"I saw you taking your friend on a unique expressway through New York. Must have been fun." Shane can be heard laughing in the call.

"I don't offer free rides to just anyone." Spider-Man laughs back before switching to a more meaningful tone. "Thank you for being there."

"Not a problem. But I had to scrape a Cleaner's head to make sure you guys got out ok." Shane replied. "Let him know if he knows anything that we should be concerned of, he could also ask us agents."

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind."

"Good lad." Shane pauses on the comms. "I'm heading back to base. Take it easy now."

"Don't worry about me." Spider-Man says. "Just get back as soon as possible."

Spider-Man disconnects the call with his mask before ISAC alerts him with radio chatter. The wall crawler turns on his radio to hear the stern voice of Faye Lau.

"Agents, we have an emergency meeting." Faye announces on the encrypted radio. "Benitez and I need you at the security wing ASAP."

Spider-Man wastes no time to head inside, even going as far as coming in costume. Dashing to the security wing of the base, he sees Benitez and Faye standing at a table with the marked-up map with Oliver and Freya. Inside is Matthew leaving for the common area with Franklin. Spider-Man meets up with them and crosses his arms.

"You came quick." Faye puts down a green thumbtack on the map. "Did you find Shane?"

"Shane is on his way back from Hell's Kitchen. He should be here in time." Spider-Man notifies the Division commander. He finds Freya and Oliver entering the room. However, the medic, John Oxton, is missing. He scratches his head a little. "Where's Oxton?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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