The Spider and The Wolves

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It's a warzone at the Lincoln Checkpoint garage. Oliver grabbed Benitez and escorts him to the back as the metal door was blown open. A group of rioters storm inside and start shooting. Oliver pops out of the office and fires his light machine gun, shredding those who dared enter the premises. Captain Benitez pulls out his pistol and fires back from the office.

"Oliver," Captain Benitez shouts. "Fight like hell!"

Oliver nods and trains his eyes at the hole. Several soldiers of the JTF stand behind him to cover his back as Oliver creates a massive amount of suppressing fire with his RPK-47 light machine gun, pinning the heavy gunners outside down. Oliver keeps firing at the heavy machine gunners until one poke his head out and falls back after being hit. He stops firing and signals the JTF to hustle up and spread out onto the open.

However, two Rioters climb onto the roof and train their sniper rifles at the JTF and the division agent. They fire, taking out one while forcing the rest of the group to hug against the concrete barriers for dear life. At the same time, more rioters enter the fray, firing their pistols and small machine guns wildly out in the open like amateurs. Oliver deploys his shield and fires at the reinforcements as the snipers bounce their bullets off the shield.

"Christ!" Oliver curses to himself. "I'm taking some serious fire."

Behind the toll booth, Shane O'Connor arrives and quietly walks toward the snipers. After quickly climbing up the ladder to get onto the roof of the toll booth, he levels his assault rifle and opens fire, killing them both before they could turn around. He quickly hunkers down and watches the assault unfolding between the Rioters and the JTF.

He uses the pulse to highlight the area of hostiles and friendlies to get a better picture and not give away his position. Shane spots his good friend Oliver mowing the Rioters with his light machine gun. Shane shakes his head, not wanting to reveal his presence to the enemy quite yet. He finds the grunts in front of the checkpoint taken out as the rest retreated to the parking lot. He crawls on his stomach and pulls out his sniper rifle before checking to spot a Rioter sneaking around to take on Oliver from the side.

Oliver moves up with his shield raised, blocking the incoming fire from the parking lot ahead. As he fires his revolver at the Rioters in the parking lot, a rusher pops out of a medical tent and tries to get around Oliver's shield. Suddenly, there's a thundering gunshot. The Rioter falls back and lays motionless. Oliver stands confused until another gunshot woke him up. A thug falls back and drops the cooked-up Molotov cocktail on himself. Then, he hears someone in his coms.

"Wake up, buddy." Shane announces. "I've got you."

Oliver looks up and spots Shane fire another single shot. Then, the Division sniper jerks his head and ducks behind the electronic sign. Oliver looks over his shield to find his pal engaged in a duel with a sniper. Shane tosses a grenade over to the parking lot. It explodes and takes out a group of Rioters.

"That sniper is in my way." Shane breathes out hard on the radio. "Get close and take him out."

Oliver puts his shield up and signals the JTF to follow him. They slowly move up on the rioters with Oliver in the lead. The Rioter's sniper, that ISAC identified as Finch, puts shots at Shane's position. Oliver pulls his pistol out and shoots a couple of times. Finch gets hit twice in the chest and falls off of the truck. Oliver grins and puts down his pistol.

"The area is clear, Captain Benitez." Oliver says on the radio. "Shall I escort you back to base?"


The agent named Mars leans back as Spider-Man continues to stare at the wall running around the central part of New York from the penthouse. It's a spectacular, but eerie sight to look at. It's hard to see what's going on in the streets beyond the tall metal walls. But enough about the metal walls, he needs to get to Oscorp fast to find the information he wants to confirm. Spider-Man walks to the edge of balcony as the agent lets out a sigh, sounding as he's annoyed. He steps inside of an apartment unit to get himself warm. He leaves the door open.

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