Research and Development

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Spider-Man gets close to the JTF base of operations and stops as John and Oliver get ready to head inside. The agents turn around and look up to Spider-Man swinging around the building. He stops and hangs upside down. Oliver points to the Joint Task Force's main base of operations.

"John and I are heading inside to talk to Rhodes." Oliver says. "Want to come inside and warm up?"

"Love the offer." Spider-Man replies. "But after what I saw in the subway, there has to be trouble on the streets. I'll catch up with you agents later."

Spider-Man nods to John. John gives a thumbs up and walks in with Oliver. Spider-Man sighs with relief and swings onto the top of a roof across from the base and changes out of his outfit. The outfit must smell like the subway and the sewers by now and he hasn't showered or slept in several days. He folds up the suit and stuffs it into his backpack before climbing down the building and walking across the street.

He steps into the base of operations and walks through the corridor of black lights before getting into the building. The base has starting to build out of the crap state of the art it was in when he stepped into the base the first time around. Peter thought back to what the hell just went with his days ever since he joined up with the Division's fight to take back New York.

His friends are helping out the JTF in some way, either volunteering or actually fighting on the streets to take the city back from hostile forces. Instead of super villains and petty criminals, he now has fought with what it seems to be escaped criminals, arsonists in gas masks, and thugs who have grown desperate to kill and steal. Most of the super villains are locked up in the Raft and is still secured. The New York he's fighting in has definitely changed since he been blasted away by the PMCs in Wall Street.

He stops thinking for a moment and steps into the security wing. Peter spots Aunt May checking over a stack of crates with a clipboard in hand, wearing a JTF jacket. He realized he hasn't checked up on Aunt May since he safely reached the JTF's base of operations, and it has put some guilt on his shoulders. Time to set things right. She snaps her head back to Peter as he walks up to her to say hello.

"Peter!!" Aunt May gasps and puts her clipboard down. "You're ok!"

Peter smiles as her aunt wraps him up in a loving hug. The sound of her voice made him feel better after everything that happened. It felt like forever since the last time he spoke to his aunt. After a few seconds, she separates herself from the young man and grabs her clipboard. She looks over the inventory while keeping an eye on her nephew.

"You had me worried, even after I heard that the JTF took you inside. Why didn't you come to me?"

"The JTF kept me busy with things." Peter kind of fibs. "I'm on break for a bit."

"Good. They aren't sending you out in the city on patrols, are they?" Aunt May asks with concern.

"No," Peter says quickly. "I'm just checking up with FEAST, checking in on inventory, and making sure the power doesn't go out."

"Good. I was getting worried when I saw Doctor Oxton going out onto the streets with the nice police officer. The JTF say they aren't safe without an escort."

Peter nods a little. "They are doing what they can to help make it safe for the rest of us."

"I suppose you're right." May sighs. "How did you find your way to the JTF's base?"

"I got lucky." Peter says. "I first went to the FEAST center to find you, but I saw it was scorched. I got worried and tried to go back home to find you until Doctor Oxton and some JTF soldiers found me and brought me here."

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