Precinct Siege

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Spider-man races through the city to reach the Brooklyn precinct. He vaults over an apartment rooftop before casting another web to continue swinging. Just as he gets close, the robotic voice wired into his mask alerts him.

"Incoming friendly communications." ISAC announces.

"Welcome aboard, Spider-man."

"Who is this?" Spidey asks.

"I'm Louis Chang, Northeast Senior commander of the Division." He replies. "Agent Lau just informed me you are back and kicking."

"Well, more like swinging. You caught me at a bad time, so can this wait a bit? There's trouble at the Brooklyn Precinct."

"No need to worry. Two agents are on their way to take care of it."

"Oxton and Springfield?"

"No, just some more recently activated agents."

"Ok, time out." Spider-man lands on top of a chimney and sits down at the edge. "I don't understand how I find a reporter and a medical doctor that I'm aquainted for years are now suddenly running around like trained soldiers. How did you do this?"

"It's ok. You've got a lot of questions and I'll be happy to give you answers." The commander breathes in to give himself time to think. "We've recruited not the strongest people, but the right people, and train them to handle a catastrophe when it arrives. Until the moment came, they acted like normal people living their daily lives."

"Yeah, like a sleeper agent. I kind of figured out that part. The dramatic information dump from her didn't help."

"Yeah. I wished agent Lau gave all of this to you slowly. We even tried to reach out and recruit you months back."

"Are you guys that eager to have me as an agent? Because I don't think having agent and Spider-Man together works. Well, perhaps it can with some clever word play."

"Maybe." The Division commander chuckles a little. "Let's get back on topic. We have been keeping tabs on you before the outbreak, making you more than qualified to work alongside with our agents and utilize a limited version of ISAC in your mask. Look after our agents and they'll give you the help you need to take back Manhattan."

"Yeah, you and your agent Lau keep saying Manhattan is bad. Mind telling me how bad is it?"

"It's-" The commander suddenly stopped talking. "I'll get back to you later on that. The JTF lost the Brooklyn precinct and are fighting against heavily armed rioters to take it back. When we stabilize Brooklyn, we'll put all the focus on Manhattan. Now get to it, Spidey."

Spider-man doesn't say another word as ISAC ends the call with the Division commander. He leaps forward and swings his way to the precinct. The gunfire grows louder as he gets close.

-Brooklyn Police Precinct-

At the back-parking lot of the Brooklyn police station, soldiers of JTF engage in a grueling battle with Rioters who have taken control of the building. The JTF duck underneath police cars and armored vans as a squad of rioters shoot any JTF trying to move closer. A JTF officer passes his semi-automaic rifle to a private.

"Move up and suppress fire, Jonas."

Jonas rushes over behind a police SUV. He takes a couple of breaths as bullets slam through the windows. He then leans out and fire a couple of rounds. However, the rioters shoot back and hit him in the shoulder and leg. Jonas cries out and spins to the ground. He lays flat and still on the ground, but is only wounded, not dead.

"Jonas!" The JTF officer curses under his breath. "We're seriously outgunned and pinned. Where's the back up?"

"I don't know, sir." A JTF soldier responds. "Hold it, someone is coming in from behind."

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