Guilt Ridden

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**Era Damon White

He couldn't, wouldn't put it off any longer. He'd done something dreadful, something unforvivable, absolutely horrible, and it was his job to fix it. He'd brought the Ineas into this world, and it was time for him to face what he had done.

The Dursleys, Era knew, would be stuck in memories for at least three more full days, possibly a little more, so he didn't have to worry about them. They couldn't die in his mindscape unless he wished it to be so, and he did not.

Era had returned to Privett Drive, and had no idea what to expect from the Ineas. Would they be furious with him? Try to kill him? Or worse, would they act like house elves, only even more prepared to serve?

It wasn't as if fretting would make it any better, but he was just so anxious about the meeting, and it was taking him more time to enter his secondary mindscape than he'd expected.

Come on, Era, just go in there and do what needs to be done. You brought this on them, you have to fix it.

Biting his lip, he went through the mindscape with his eyes squeezed tightly closed.

It was silent when he entered, but when he heard a scraping noise he forced himself to open his eyes. He had to be brave enough to face his mistakes, or he'd never be worthy of the power granted to him. He was chosen to have it, and that meant he had a responsibility to all those who couldn't protect themselves. Within reason, of course.

The Ineas looked like human people, which Era was relieved by. He still felt a bit sorry for it at the same time though, for he knew they were shaped to his preferences and had had no true choice in the matter.

"I-I'm so sorry. . ." He said, feeling the sting of tears in his eyes.

Era was still only ten and a half, and what he'd done was very hard to cope with. He had no one that could mentor him into the proper use of his powers, and he had made a very unreversible mistake. This wasn't something to just solve with a swish of magic, the Ineas were people too, and taking their existence away from them would be murder.

What to do? Maybe if he talked to them, maybe then he could find out how to make it better?

There were thirty-seven of them, a mixture of male and females it seemed, and Era bowed his head to them.

A male stepped forward, he was a bit taller than Era with beautiful chocolate brown skin, warm brown eyes and a powerful physique. He came forward and tilted Era's chin up until he faced him.

"You, creator, are a child?" The man said, sounding surprised but quite sure of himself.

"Y-yes, I-I'm turning eleven later this year, so-so I really should have- I should have known better than to release unstructured magic. I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I want to make it better!"

Era felt impossibly young as more tears continued to spill down his cheeks. Mentally, he was both older and younger than his age. He'd not really had a childhood, and he'd grown up too quickly. As a boy, he hadn't been able to express himself and grew up believing every single wrong thing was his fault.

Now, he was far more intelligent, faster, and stronger than those even with years and years more experience than he, but he had no true education to structure his life around. He didn't know how to use his magic, or be truly emotionally mature, even if he could play pretend.

"Child, we do not understand why you are crying so. You gave us knowledge enough when you created us, and wills and personalities of our own. The only thing we wish to be different is that we have no true rights."

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