To Teach, or Not to Teach

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Harry Potter**

~So,~ the founder began, but then just stopped.

Harry wasn't sure where the man was planning to go either, but decided to try and get the ball rolling anyway ~So, I suppose in a way, I am an adult, and I'm also more powerful than any adult wizard on the planet.~

~Arrogant child~ Salazar said, but it was underlaced with an awed sort of amusement and/or horror, ~But still, you do realize just because you know a few impressive tricks, there are those more powerful than you. Or that are more knowledgeable, or have a wider range of abilities, or are simply more talented.~

~There are those more powerful than me-~

~Glad that you are aware of that. Overconfidence can land you into dangerous trouble.~


~Had a feeling that was coming~ the dark haired man said on a sigh, definitely amused now ~Such always seems to be the case with young folk. Both in my day and yours.~

~But I know I'm the most powerful wizard. So, I have spoken no lies. There are most certainly others who know more about different areas of the magical arts, and in other categories of power.~

~And what are your categories of power?~

~Knowledge, magic, willpower, experience, strength, and common sense.~

~Do you excel in all categories?~

Harry laughed, ~Are you joking? Magic and willpower, I have a lot of. Strength, knowledge, and experience, I'm mid rate. Common sense, that clearly shows you've only just met me.~ 

He began browsing the shelves, and found that all the books had excellent preservation charms on them. There was a very broad range of topics, and Harry was thrilled to find that there were a great many more texts relating to magical creatures and the darker side of magic than could be found in a modern library spread. 

It was only to be expected, he reasoned, after all, most of the speceist discrimination was relatively new, only having begun this last century. Hogwarts was founded in the 10th century, and rather a lot had happened since then.

This revelation did bring up an important question for him though ~Lord Slytherin, I cannot help but wonder, what do you know of the world these days?~

~Rather more than you might expect, but significantly less than I would like. I do have another portrait, but I was very strict when it came to how many portraits were to be made of me. I didn't want to have to answer endless insipid questions from ignorant brats-~

~Gee, thanks~

~-I wasn't talking about you. You're interesting at least. I was more thinking about Gryffindor worshippers and, even worse, those who entirely agree with nature of my warped reputation. I would never suggest getting rid of muggleborns entirely, the new blood brought in by them is necessary. I just want them educated to our ways.~

~Hmm. So where is your other portrait?~

~On the Drevarden's estate. When the line died out around 30 years ago, I lost that source of information, and no one was able to contact me here, at least, not until now.~

~I'm glad to have met you~ Harry said truthfully.

~As am I young man. Now, can you give me more details on your situation? I won't be able to help you without knowing more.~

Harry sighed and sat down on a plush black armchair. Might as well get comfortable if he was going to be here for a while. Casually, he snuggled up into a small ball on the seat and made sure he was well situated.

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