Not Parents, Siblings

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Era Damon White

'Tia, Feri, Aren, Dax, and Khanis, I ask an audience of you' he said, not sure what he was expecting.

The first to arrive was Magic, a blur of vibrant ever-shifting colors that shouldn't have gone together but did. She was a storm of different hues that enraptured its viewer, like a piece of abstract art.

'Hello Aren, thank you for coming.

Unlike the last time they met, she turned into a cyclone of colors that whipped so fast they were undistinguishable, then shrank at the same time as they sank into the ground, leaving only an impossibly beautiful woman behind.

She had golden skin, literally, and features like he imagined an angel would have. Large eyes with golden irises, full gold lips and snowy white teeth. Her nose was straight and narrow, formed perfectly, with high angled cheekbones and a cascade of golden hair down to her calves. 

Aren wore a tasteful golden A-line scoop neck chiffon cocktail dress with a ruffled skirt. Her shoes were somewhat scary looking, Era never understood how women walked in such deathtraps, and golden as well.

A/N: Drawing attempt of her at the end of the chapter 😬

'Of course dear. Ah, and that should be Feri coming now.'

'My name' came a distinctly irritated voice from beneath a black cloak, 'Is Mortiferous. M-O-R-T-I-F-E-R-O-U-S. Say it with me now, More-tiff-ur-ess.'

'Ah, so you can spell,' Aren said, 'Me and Tia recently had a debate over that.'

Feri let out an offended gasp and held her scythe to Aren's throat, 'Say that again to my face. I dare you!'

'Tia and I argued over whether-'

'Oh just shut up!' the balance said, retracting her scythe and turning her cloaked back to her sister.

'I wish you would just stop arguing. Stress is not good for your bodies. You should embrace your differences and accept each other for the people you are,' a new voice said.

The person belonging to the voice was more elven looking than human, with pale brown skin and dark green hair, eyes entirely black. He had narrow, angular features, and a pointed chin. A flowing green material made up his clothing, and jewelry was randomly scattered over him. Small jewels were stitched into his clothing, and amber earings pierced his ears.

'Dax, you do realize that every time you open your mouth, you sound like you're high, right?' Feri said, clearly happy to see her brother even though she was irritated with him.

'Chill sis. Just channel positive energy and smile, it'll feel so much better. Not so tight around the forehead. Here. Breathe with me-'

Death slipped her hood off, deciding to have a head unlike last time, and bared sharpened canines from a flesh-free skull.

Dax blinked at her and said, 'I know I've brought it up before, but have you given any more consideration to anger management classes? There are scientific studies that prove they work.'

Clearly even Nature could be roused to more offensive words.

'Did somebody mention science?' Tia trilled, appearing in an instant.

'No,' was Death's firm, immediate answer.

'Liar,' she said, grinning and rolling her eyes.

This is what Era had meant about them feeling more like siblings than parents. Their squabbling just made it impossible for him to see them as true authority figures. It's sort of like that one uncle at your family reunion who acts like a child rather than an adult, and you can never take him seriously.

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