Into the Dormitories

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Harry Potter/Era Damon White**

They were on the western side of the castle, the enterance to the dorms was on the fifth floor, and beside a statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, who when they approached, opened her mouth and said, "The man who bought me doesn't need me, the man who needs me doesn't know it, a happy man doesn't want me, all men get me in the end. What am I?"

"A coffin," said a female prefect with black hair, tip-tilted green eyes, a splash of freckles over her nose, and a rubinesque figure.

A glowing outline of a door appeared in the apparently solid wall beside the statue, and the section of the wall moved back and slid over, revealing a neat common room.

The walls were of a reddish brown wood, likely cherry, with bookshelves embedded into the walls stretching seven feet above the floor. Sconces above the bookshelves cast a warm, welcoming light over the entire cavernous common room. 

There was a banner emblazoned with the bronze and blue Ravenclaw crest hanging over a neat gray stone fireplace, and the large couches and armchairs littering the room were a blue to match the carpet, with bronze legs, and they looked like perfect places to sit down and read in. There were also countless side tables heaped with books that couldn't fit on the shelves.

Harry felt as if he might sigh in bliss at all the knowledge the books would hold, but managed to restrain himself. This was definitely the right house for him.

"The door to the left is to the girl's dormitories and bathrooms, the door to the right is to the boy's. The main rules are that Ravenclaws: do not steal from one another, do not sabotage another students work, clean up after yourself, are helpful to one another, label any books they care about with their name (understanding that if they do not, another student may take the book), return books to the common room once you have finished reading them, no physical fighting, using the rooms through the middle door responsibly understanding that they are to further the education of young minds and can be taken away as easily as they were given, and that any breaking of the rules can result in punishment work or detention with our head of house, Professor Flitwick. If you have any questions, feel free to ask an older student.

"Good luck, and we're happy to have you in Ravenclaw House!" Said the bright green eyed girl.

In Ravenclaw, each person had their own room. Harry chose the least popular dorm area, which was nicknamed the 'feather'. Each grouping of rooms had been assigned a unique, raven related name, and the feather wing was the longest climb up the stairs of Ravenclaw tower, farthest from the bathrooms as well as the common room, and to top it off, there were no windows. Harry was literally the only person to chose that area, though the rooms were larger than average, it was very quiet, and there were six rooms in the grouping.

He'd certainly get all the privacy he could have hoped for. There was a narrow closet in his room too, with a small shelf and hooks to hang his robes on. He did not intend, however, to use the closet for its prescribed purpose. 

Apparition and portkeys wouldn't work on school grounds, and though he knew that it would be easy as winking to find a way over the property line, it was impractical. Ravenclaw tower was the second tallest tower at Hogwarts, only the Astronomy tower could exceed it. He'd have to go all the way down the tower and then nearly two miles to reach the Hogsmeade property line or go six and a half miles if he were to go through the forest. Time consuming either way. So, this closet, was soon to be the answer to his problems.

See, to apparate or to use a portkey is temporary magic to move a living being. His plan was to create a gateway, a pin to hold a fold in the world open, if you will. He, with his magic, could find a dimensional fold connecting his closet to somewhere, and then use more of that self-same magic to create a pin with the frame of his closet door. The fold would be held open as the edges would be anchored to the doorframe, and he could then step through it. As he was using physical force to leave school grounds rather than magical, it should let him through.

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