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I decide it's a better use of my time to try and pull off something unexpected at the last second to help bring in sales to our Acorn Cafe than actually working for it. Surprisingly, nobody in E-class questions this, so I get out of working the restaurant. Nakamura reaches the door ahead of me when I get a call. We were going to apologize to Nagisa about how insane his mom is and how our teasing was just meant to be fun. I glance at the caller ID and wave her on without me.

I can tell him later.

"Hey, mom?" I answer, excited that she may have gotten home a little early.

"Karma." Her tone tells me everything. It's happened so many times before, I barely remember ever hearing her voice in any other way.

"You're not coming." I respond.

"It's not just that, sweetie."

I narrow my eyes and peek into the room where Nagisa and Nakamura are talking things out.

"Our presence has been requested at the Christmas Gala again this year." She explains with that annoyingly fake, regretful attitude I'm so used to. "We'll be home for New Years though. We can bring your presents then." She adds, as if I'm no more than an obligation to her.

"Sure." I respond without interest.

Nagisa starts to freak out and runs to the window. I leave, not even caring how it's going in there.

"Will you be okay?" She asks quietly.

I look to the side at nothing. "I always am, right?"

She pauses and I hear her quiet sigh in the background. "Your father and I are proud, you know. We meant to call you sooner when we got the news that you scored second on your midterms. Congratulations! I'm sorry it's a little late."

"I gotta go." I cut her off, not wanting to listen to their praise. As much as I appreciate getting recognized, it starts to mean nothing if it's just a voice over the phone. It could be anyone's praise. And to anyone. My hand grips the cell more tightly.

It's like I don't even matter.

"It's okay, I understand." She finishes. "Just know that we love you."

"Yeah." I whisper venomously before hanging up.

Nakamura runs out of the room and I notice she's wearing pants all of a sudden. My eyes shift from them to her face.

"Hey, remember that boy from summer break? The one that likes Nagisa?" She grins evilly.

"Maybe." I smirk, not really into it.

"Wanna see how much money we can squeeze out of him?" Her mischievous face is suddenly comparable to mine. I glance down at her pants again, a real smile of my own forming.

"Is Nagisa wearing a skirt?" I ask, the prospect of teasing him for it all too delicious.

"Heeheehee." Nakamura chuckles. I bring a hand to my chin, welcoming the distraction.

I remember there's a cosplay shop somewhere nearby and imagine Nagisa trying on a maid costume. "I'm gonna see what else we can get him to wear."

"Sounds great!" She gives me a thumbs up and runs off.

I make my way down the hall, formulating part of a plan before everything catches up to me again. I stop in my tracks, attempting to hold back the emptiness that always follows the disappointment.

I'd hate to throw a pity party in the middle of a festival.

I push myself forward, refusing to get dragged down this bottomless hole to nowhere. Again.

But it looks like I'll be alone this year too.

Kristmas KarmaWhere stories live. Discover now