Monday the 20th: Hara

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 "Oh, wow. These look so tasty!" Kaede drools over the small bag of goodies.

"And you hung out all day with Muramatsu?" Yuzuki pulls on the string and reaches in for a cookie.

"He did." I smile. "We just sort of ran into each other and we baked all afternoon."

"Hm." Yuzuki takes a bite, unable to resist smiling as it hits her taste buds. "These are seriously good."

"I'm glad you like them. Hey, did your thing come in?" I whisper to her.

There's a small glint in her eye. "They come in tomorrow."

"That's so exciting!" I raise up and down on my toes.

"What are you getting?" Kaede asks.

I whisper back to her, covering my mouth and hoping Karma doesn't take notice. "I'm thinking of making something."

She stares up at me enviously. "It's gonna be something sweet, huh?"

I giggle. "Don't worry. It won't rival that pudding monstrosity we made before, but I stockpiled a lot of ingredients to make a large batch for the get-together."

She frowns, her gaze disappearing for a second. "I'm actually not sure I'm going." Her voice is empty and sad, but she picks right back up again as though it wasn't. "Sorry, girls. I was really looking forward to it too." She laughs off.

"Aww, did something bad happen?" Yuzuki asks, her face sympathetic.

"Oh no, nothing like that!" Kaede moves her hands frantically between us. "I just couldn't get out of my plans and really wanted to go, that's all!"

"Aww, well, I'll make a second batch just for you then." I wink at her.

"Really??" Kaede stands right up. "Oh my gosh! Really really?"

"Of course, silly! You were the only reason I was going to make so much." It surprises me when her hand touches my arm.

Her face is serious and oddly calm. "You're a good friend. I hope you know that."

I can't help but wonder what's on her mind. She's never felt fake, but sometimes I think she's more detached than it seems. I decide to let it go because it's also how I know her to be.

Maybe I'm reading too far into it.

I hand out a few more goodie bags and pause at Nagisa's desk. "Hey, do you happen to know what his favorite flavor is?" I whisper as nonchalantly as I can.

"Oh, um..." He refrains from glancing back and covers his mouth so no one else can hear him. "It's strawberry."

I tilt my head, thankful that it's something commonly used in desserts and not something weird. I move on and try to come up with some good ideas while handing out the rest. I pause at Kanzaki's desk and check the back for her school bag.

"Oh no, is she still out sick?" I ask no one in particular.

"She's still out but I'm not sure if she's still sick." Yada turns around in her chair. "Some new game came out earlier this month and she's been obsessing over it at home. These are great, by the way." She mumbles around one of the cookies.

"Alright, class." Korosensei appears out of nowhere. "This is our last day to study before finals and—" His voice trembles, humming hungrily when he notices what I'm handing out. "Are those... sweets? For breakfast?"

I smile and offer him one.

"Okay, if you insist!" He responds with exuberance. "You all have five more minutes before I begin today's lesson and, huaaaaaaah, is this hazelnut?"

"I know. They're good, right?" Yada adds.

I hurry and pass out the rest. Muramatsu stops me before I head back to my desk, motioning outside the classroom. We walk out into the hall and he listens through the door for something.

"Just making sure Karma won't hear us." He stands up straight again, facing me. "You inspired me so much yesterday."

"Oh, really?" I perk up, blushing slightly. "How so?"

"I know what I want to do for his present." He states confidently.


"I want to make him his favorite dessert for the party."

I feel my entire essence crack like a mirror. I can't even respond.

"You think it's a bad idea?" He asks, confused when I don't answer.

I turn away, both happy that I inspired him, and sad that I won't be able to do this myself.

I suppose I could share...

"Um, would you like to make something together?" I offer.

His face contorts in confusion and he looks up thoughtfully before coming back. "Oh, shit, that's what you were gonna do, isn't it?" He chaotically moves his hands between us. "I take it back! It was just that yesterday was really fun and it kinda got my imagination running and, I don't have to. The idea's yours."

I bite back the need to sigh in relief. "I really don't mind..."

He laughs nervously, scratching the back of his head. "No, it's fine. Really." He listens to the door again for some reason. "Besides," he faces me again, his smile oddly charming, "literally anything I make will be disgusting compared to what you make on your own. Just ask Itona about my noodles."

I'm taken aback and find myself blushing more. "I rather liked those acorn noodles of yours though. Did he really say they were disgusting?"

"Yeah, but that only makes me want to work harder, you know?" He admits.

There's a whoosh of wind and Korosensei is suddenly next to us. "I wanted to let you know that class was starting but..." He pushes his hand tentacles together over and over again. "Will you be making more sweets for Karma's party on Saturday?"

"Yeah she will!" Muramatsu says proudly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "And I'll even help, if you'll have me."

I stare up at Muramatsu. "You're sure?"

"Yeah." He gives me a thumbs up. "I'll find something else tonight. Don't worry about it."

I smile back. "Okay!"

Later that night, I spend a few minutes in between studying to look up different recipes for Karma's ultimate dessert. I pick a few, just in case I can't get a hold of the right ingredients at the store.

I wasn't sure we'd all be able to place in the top fifty like Korosensei wants, and if he had made that demand at the beginning of the year, I would've thought he was crazy. In fact, I did, but for other reasons.

Even so, E-class isn't just an end anymore.

"Yes, he'll love this one." I save the recipe on my phone.

It's a beginning.

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