Tuesday the 7th: Isogai

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I turn off the alarm and sit up, stretching out my arms.

Today's gonna be a great day!

I tear off the blanket and pull out my school uniform, putting together my stuff for the day. I then check my to-do list, get dressed, make the bed, and bring my bag with me to the kitchen.

Mom is still getting ready for work when I start breakfast, wearing the ever appreciated apron Hiroto gave me last month. I repeat my to-do list in my head as I cook.

- assess well being (daily)

- present for Mom

- present for Airi-chan

- present for Haru-kun

- present for Hiroto

- present for Karma

- get work schedule for the rest of the month

- reconfigure budget

- pick up extra shifts

- schedule time for voicing Mimura's movie

- study

- decorate tree with family

- assassinate Koro—


"Hm?" I turn and face Mom.

"They're going to let me stay late all next week. Are you okay watching your siblings until seven instead?" She smiles apologetically.

"Yeah, of course!" I smile back. "I was also thinking we should put up the tree today." I set everyone's lunchboxes on the counter and split the leftover rice from yesterday. "I can get it started before I go to work and you can finish with them when you get home. Would that be okay?"

She gives me a look of deep love and appreciation. "How'd I get so lucky to have a son like you?"

I laugh. "Haru-kun's getting to be quite the gentleman himself, you know. Don't let him overhear you."

She giggles in response. "I'll get them up and ready for school. But that reminds me..." Her face drops, worried. "They're raising the rent next month. I want to get them something nice for Christmas, but..."

"Oh, don't worry about that." I fill the boxes with other oddities, eggs, octopus shaped mini-dogs, some fruit. "I was thinking of fixing up the budget a bit. I wanted to see if I could pick up some extra shifts at the cafe too."

"You shouldn't be working yourself so hard." She exasperates, showing only a hint of the stressed out person I've been fending off since Dad died.

"But I want to." I say matter-of-factly. "I make sure to take care of myself. I know that if I put more on my plate than I can handle, it'll worry you, so I always take precautions to ensure that doesn't happen. You know that."

She sighs with relief. "I know."

"Just put the budget book in my bag for me and I'll add in the estimates for my extra shifts during work." I start cooking some eggs for breakfast, noting that we won't have any left after tomorrow.

Add to checklist: Grocery shopping.

"Alright." She leaves the room, coming back in shortly after. "Thank you, Yuma. Your father would be proud."

I smile back modestly and return my attention to cooking.



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