Wednesday the 1st: Nagisa

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It's only the first of December and my parents are already fighting.

Last night, Dad decided to ask Mom if I could spend Christmas Eve with him this year and he'd have me back later that night or early the next morning if he had to, but of course, Mom said no. I shake my head and sigh at my lunch.

"Hey, you."

Karma pulls up a chair next to my desk and leans back, sipping on his favorite milk.

"So what's going on?"

"Nothing much. Just... stuff at home." I start to put away my half eaten food, no longer hungry.

"Your mom slip back into her old habits already?" He slurps the carton empty. "Damn. That was quick."

"It's not that."

I contemplate whether or not I should tell him. It seems like everyone knows what my mom's really like since she tried to make me burn down the old school building. It's embarrassing, but I remind myself that things will be changing from now on.

Just... maybe not all at once.

"Maybe it is," I correct, "but we already talked about me spending more time with Dad and I don't understand why that doesn't include holidays." I place my lunchbox in the desk and stretch out a bit. "I hate them fighting like children when I'm the child."

"At least they fight over you." Karma mutters, staring emptily at the space in front of him.

I can tell he's sad underneath his oddly stoic expression. "Maybe I should be asking you what's going on."

He focuses again, turning to me with a smirk. "Just the usual."

I tap my finger on the desk a few times. "Come on."

The smirk fades and his eyes seem to gloss over. "You know..." He faces away. "I think I'm gonna go home."

"What? It's the middle of the day! And I thought you stopped ditching!" I chastise as he stands up.

"So? I do what I want. Today, I'm ditching." He tosses his carton towards a trash bin across the room and makes it.

"Don't your parents ever say anything?" I ask, confused.

"I might as well not have any." He casually responds, stuffing his hands in his pockets and sauntering over to the door.

"Karma, you have parents." I state, attempting to follow him. "And I'm sure they'll be disappointed if you start ditching again before Christmas."

"Not if they're not here."

His words give me pause as he reaches the door. He looks back, his expression lonely and cold. Even as the smile forms, his saddened gaze remains untouched, and he leaves. I vaguely remember him being this way before and my eyes widen as I put it together.

Is he going to be alone for Christmas?


The few students that were in class during that conversation happened to not pay attention to it. Just before the bell when everyone gathers for the next lesson, I go and stand in front of the teacher's desk.

"Hey, Nagisa. Got another plan for assassinating our teacher?" Isogai asks.

I eye the empty seat in back and wonder how many times he's been alone for his birthday.

"No, I have an even bigger plan." I bring a clenched fist to my chest. "I was thinking, would it be okay if I change the gift exchange this year?"

"Change it how?" Nakamura leans back in her chair.

"Oh no, we definitely gotta do the gift exchange." Okajima rubs his hands together eagerly. "I might even get a girl for my secret Santa!"

A few of the nearby girls groan.

"I still want to do it, but I want to do it differently." I wait, questioning whether or not I really want to make this bold suggestion and lead it.

"Well what is it?" Yada smiles encouragingly. "As long as we're still doing it, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with changing up the rules a bit."

"And I thought this was the place where we didn't follow them." Maehara jokes.

I take a deep breath and decide to stand tall.

It's not just with my mom. I need to be more confident. For me.

I nod and release my fist, relaxing it at my side again. "I'd like us all to get gifts for Karma this year. Just him."

"What?" Kayano yells.

"Why just him?" Terasaka demands.

"Because..." I look down, recalling the look he had when he left. "I think he's going to be alone for Christmas this year."

"What? No..." Yada covers her mouth.

"He can't be alone for Christmas." Nakamura says distastefully.

"That's so horrible..." Kurahashi sympathizes.

"What about his parents?" Isogai asks.

"In our first year, I remember him saying they were gone a lot." I explain. "He was sad around Christmas back then too. And when I asked him what he got for presents..." I glance away, the memory coming back more easily than I thought it would. "He said his parents sent them from overseas and that he'd get them the next year."

"This has happened before?" Kataoka leans forward in her chair.

"Harsh..." Yoshida mumbles.

I nod. "And I don't know about you, but no one should be alone on Christmas. That's why," I open my arms and smile, "I'd like us all to help him feel a little special this year, by showering him with presents."

"I'd love to!" Okuda randomly shouts while standing up, earning a few surprised stares. She slowly sits back down and blushes profusely. "I mean, I'd be so sad if I couldn't spend Christmas with my own family. We should do something."

"I guess that's fair." Maehara mumbles, looking away.

Yada stands up. "We totally should!"

"When's his birthday? Maybe we should do something like this for his birthday too. Did we miss it already?" Kurahashi looks around, asking everyone.

"Actually..." I scratch the side of my face. "It's the same day."


"WHAT???" Nearly everyone screams.

"Dude, Karma was someone's present." Terasaka says jokingly to no one in particular.

"You know, somehow that suits him." Nakamura nods approvingly.

"Then we have to do something." Isogai rises out of his seat. "What do you say? Let's turn this year's gift exchange into a Christmas for Karma!"

"Yeah!" Most of the students shout.

I can't help but smile when I notice Maehara isn't into it like everyone else. I can't imagine he's close enough to Karma for it to be personal, but he almost seems... jealous.


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