Thursday the 23rd: Ritsu

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 .....searching post office database.....

.....scanning video data for the past forty-eight hours.....

Voice activated: "It looks like they misplaced it after it got to the post office and before it was supposed to be put on the truck. If you tell them to search the back, they should find it."

[FUWA YUZUKI]: "Thanks, Ritsu!"

Voice activated: "Of course! Let me know if they can't find it and I'll send you the video of where it's at."

**Incoming request**

[HORIBE ITONA]: "Hey, Ritsu?"

Accessing iPad screen [HORIBE ITONA]

Voice activated: "What can I help you with?" Ritsu avatar smiles and tilts head.

[HORIBE ITONA]: "I wanted to thank you for helping me program the doll and was wondering if you'd be up to writing another program with pleasure sensors this time."

Voice activated: "Sure! It was fun to write them!"

[HORIBE ITONA]: "Yeah? Are they like your babies or something?"

Voice activated: "Babies?" Ritsu avatar looks at him questionably.

[HORIBE ITONA]: "Yeah, 'cause, you're a program. It's basically the same thing, right?"

Voice activated: "Hm."

.....searching for content on "babies".....

.....information processing.....

Voice activated: "From what I'm finding, I suppose in a sense they would be, but I don't really feel attached to them like that."

.....specifying search: connection between mother and child.....

[HORIBE ITONA]: "I know Korosensei gave you some special upgrades and all, but do you really feel?"

.....accessing upgrades.....

Voice activated: "It's true I'm only programmed to simply emulate human emotion, but there are times when my program lacks the ability to make appropriate decisions in specific situations. I can't say for sure that I don't feel." Ritsu avatar smiles knowingly. "And if it were anyone else asking, I'd take offense to that inquiry."

.....information processing on "connection between mother and child" complete.

[HORIBE ITONA]: "It'd be really cool if the whole 'ghost in the machine' thing was real though. I kind of hope it is. But the reason I bring it up is because I'm wondering if your programs will have the same ghosts."

Camera activated: Itona is holding up the sensor doll.

[HORIBE ITONA]: "If we make a pleasure sensor doll, I don't want to worry about it having feelings."

Camera activated: Itona's face is 30% more red in color. Emotional analysis: He's embarrassed.

Voice activated: "Don't worry. I'm the only me around and I don't include any of my personal protocols in the codes I write."

[HORIBE ITONA]: "Good to know. Anyway, thanks again."

**Incoming Request**

Voice activated: "Of course!" Ristu avatar winks and waves.

Accessing phone screen [NAKAMURA RIO]

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