Saturday the 11th: Chiba and Hayami

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I lazily head over towards the shops near my house in search of a present. I tried to figure it out ahead of time and decided it'd be easier to just go out and find something.

I'm sure something will stick out.

Amazingly, Hayami stoically exits a store as I'm passing it. We both stand there, quietly staring at each other. I hope it's not too forward to ask to hangout, as it's unexpected to run into her here, but I remain quiet and unsure of how to proceed.

She steps closer, getting out of the way so another lady can enter the shop.

"Wanna shop together?" I randomly ask, wondering if she's here for the same reason.

"Sure." She says quietly. "Are you shopping for Karma too?"

I nod, relieved to have guessed right. I motion towards a nearby store selling cards and manga and t-shirts in the window. She nods and we silently head for the place. I observe the gentleman behind the counter and determine he must be the owner from how he acts. He seems really into his conversation too.

Hayami disappears from my side, looking at the items lined up along the store walls. They appear to sell action figures and tabletop games in addition to what they have on display up front. Hayami and I make our way through the store. I'll pick up an item every now and then, but she doesn't. After a while, the owner approaches us.

"Anything I can help you find?" He greets us with a friendly smile.

When neither of us answer right away, I belatedly take over. "Not sure what we're looking for yet."

Hayami glances at me once, keeping her thoughts to herself, but she doesn't seem happy.

"Alright, well let me know if you need help." He motions towards the whole store. "Know everything here like the back of my hand."

But how many people actually know what the back of their hand looks like? I think to myself amusedly.

Hayami nods and heads for the door. I uncomfortably glance between her and the confused owner, offering him an apologetic wave before leaving myself. She stands outside, thoughtfully looking at each storefront in turn. I scratch the side of my head.

Is she mad?

She then starts walking down the sidewalk towards another place. I follow without a word.

I'd always wondered what it would be like to date her like everyone suspects anyway. The thing is, this doesn't surprise me. Putting two quiet people together doesn't exactly breed a lot of conversation.

From store to store, we do this. After a while, I get bored and pick up on things from other people.

There's a couple in one of the stores and the guy is completely oblivious to the fact that the girl is actually upset with him. I turn to Hayami and wonder if that's me.

In another store, an older lady appears very focused on searching the clothing rack. I get the feeling she's looking for something with a flaw in it and end up correct when she argues with the clerk about dropping the price because it's "lacking in quality". I watch Hayami go through some shirts that look around Karma's size and wonder if that's how she feels about all the stores. As if on queue, we leave right after my thought.

Almost at the end of the street, I catch sight of a middle-aged gentleman with drooping shoulders. He grows sadder and sadder with each display he passes. Something tells me it's because he can't buy anything and right after, I catch him pulling out his wallet and staring inside the fold with disappointment. I didn't realize Hayami stopped right in front of me until I ran into her. She faces me.

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