Kristmas: Karma - Part One

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**It was really long, so I'm splitting up the chapter. Enjoy!

There's an annoying alarm buzzing. I angrily peek one eye open and curse the brightness in my room.

When did I set an alarm?

I reach to turn it off on my phone and check the time. 7:42.

Nope. My birthday, I'm sleeping in.

I toss my phone back onto the nightstand and bury myself under the blanket. I doze off only for the alarm to sound again.

Now I know I didn't hit snooze.

I reach out from under the blanket and feel around for my phone when I hear the front door suddenly close downstairs. I sit right up in bed and stare at mine, forgetting the stupid alarm.

Steady footsteps make their way to my room and I feel around for the anti-Korosensei knife I usually have stashed under my pillow, annoyed that it isn't real. I grab it and keep it hidden under the blanket.

It'll have to do.

I glare at the doorway, as ready as I can be to attack whatever comes through.

"Karma?" Mom's head peeks around the frame. "Did we wake you?"

"M-Mom??" My brain actually freezes for a second wondering if I slept through the entirety of Christmas day and I let go of the knife, fumbling for the phone to double check the date.

7:49 am

December 25, 2021

Ritsu appears and winks once. I turn back to Mom just as Dad's joining her.

"We tried to contact you, but our phones weren't working." Mom explains.

"Guess they didn't want us at the gala this year after all." Dad shrugs. "Received an email from the principal though. The only kid to get a perfect score... I'm proud of you." He nods approvingly.

"How about I make your favorite breakfast as a reward?" Mom smiles.

I literally have no words. Part of me thinks it's a dream.

"Come on. Let's give the boy a chance to wake up." Dad shoos Mom away from the door. "Besides, I'm starving for some of those fluffy cinnamon pancakes of yours." He follows her.

"It has been a while since I made them, hasn't it?" Her voice echoes as she heads back downstairs.

"Merry Christmas, Karma!" Ritsu shouts from my phone.

I blink a few times, my gaze slowly falling to the screen.

"I wanted to surprise you, but on top of that, a few of your classmates thought it would be better if they just showed up without warning. Their phones should be working now." She smiles, tilting her head. For the occasion, she's wearing a cute little Santa outfit.

"They're really here?" I whisper, still questioning if this is a dream. "How'd you get them here?" I bring a hand to my head hoping she didn't just ruin their philanthropic life for me, even if I do kinda appreciate it. "My parents are the only reason they even have that event in Italy! What'd you do??"

"Don't worry." She winks again. "I set it up so they'll be able to donate after. I also sent a message to the event manager that strongly suggests they schedule the event further from Christmas Day in the future. I mean, why would a charity event be held to help out families in need by tearing other families apart?" She smiles proudly. "So it won't just be this year. No more lonely Christmas' for Karma, 'kay?"

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