Tuesday the 21st: Kayano

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I inconspicuously enter the room, like I always do.

No one ever notices when I come in. They sometimes think I've always been there and even though that was always the goal, all this business with Karma has had me questioning that.

Kill him. We're only here to kill that monster. Kill him now.

I ignore the voices, like I always do. They've been getting antsy, and I know I'll be ready soon.

Maybe I'll do it after the break.

Now... Do it now!

I slam my bag onto my desk. "Oh hush you." I growl quietly.

Nagisa turns to me, surprised. "Is something wrong?"

In his hands is a neatly wrapped present. Whatever it is seems relatively small. Regardless, I need the attention off of me so...

"Oh, is that for Karma?" I say just loud enough for Nakamura to hear.

Her ear twitches and she looks over at Nagisa. Her smile grows to devilish proportions. "Oh? What'd you get him?" She makes a move to try and snatch it from him and even though I could grab it in her stead, the point is to just fade into the background.

Like I always do.

"Wait, you brought it here? Why?" Sugino asks.

"Were you trying to get him alone or something?" Nakamura attempts to steal it and Nagisa continuously dodges.

"Stop!" He shifts forward and out of her reach. "I've no idea why I brought it with me." He nervously mutters, clutching the present to his chest.

I can't help but feel somewhat sad that I purposely pushed away my chance to be a part of this. The year was much longer than it was supposed to be, but I needed to make sure I was completely ready to take my chance.

I know I won't get another.

"Should I give him just your picture?" Maehara asks, holding up another photo where Nagisa was wearing the dress during summer.

Face completely red, Nagisa steals the picture from him again.

"'Cause, I mean, if you want him to yourself..." He teases, backing out of a few halfhearted attacks.

I unpack my things and bring my school bag to the back. Kurahashi is showing a video to a very captivated Hayami and Yada. They all gasp in unison.

"You seriously got him to do that?" Yada asks, eyes still glued to the screen.

"I know, he's so smart! Oosama doesn't really like any of the toys though. I can't get him to play with anything." She brings a hand to her cheek and smiles at something else that happens in the video. "But he's so sweet."

Of course I'm curious, I love cats! But I turn away and head back to my desk, wishing I could just be a normal teenage girl again. That I could be myself instead of this fake person I've pretended to be since last March.

No... We must kill...

Yeah, yeah.

I roll my eyes and take a seat. At some point, Hazama and Itona made their way over while I was in back. Nagisa is quietly fiddling with the ribbon on his gift, his aura just screaming to be left alone.

"Yeah, no, that doll seriously improved your scenes." Nakamura flips to another page in the handful she's holding. "Email it to me tonight. It'll be close, but I'll get it done before Saturday."

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