Monday the 13th: Yada

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Karma ended up ditching today, so the room is alive with noise while everyone shares and discusses their plans for Karma's gifts. I fiddle with the end of my shirt, imagining the cute little devil charm I found the first day, thinking it's hugely unimpressive compared to what everyone else is doing.

"Do you by chance know if Karma likes cats?" Hinano asks, turning around in her chair to see me. She tilts her head when I don't answer. "What's wrong? You okay?"

"Hm?" I stop spacing out and give her my attention. "Oh, yeah, um, I dunno."

"The ending is going to be so epic!" Hazama cackles out loud two desks behind me, grabbing my attention.

"You're almost done with it? Really?" Itona asks, surprised.

"Yeah, wanna read it?" I can hear the grin in her voice. For not being one to talk often, she's awfully chatty about her novel.

My shoulders slump down in defeat.

She wrote him a whole freaking novel...

"Hey, Toka, what do you think?" Hinano gently taps my arm. "Wanna go shopping with us for some cat stuff?"

"Huh?" I look over and realize that at some point, Rinka showed up. "Oh, we're getting cat stuff? Wait, you have a cat?"

The two girls share a thoughtful look.

"You okay?" Hinano asks.

I smile nervously in response. "Don't mind me. Just thinking in my own head."

"Alright, class. Now I know everyone's excited for our little Karma surprise," he hyuhyuus happily and everyone returns to their seats, "but Final exams are still just around the corner and I need everyone to focus. You can continue your discussions after class and I'll even give you thirty extra minutes before we start the cram sessions."

Isogai raises his hand. "Is it alright if I leave a little early? I managed to get some extra hours at the cafe today. It's just for today, I promise."

"Now, Isogai, it's important to take care of your studies." Korosensei waves a tentacle back and forth. "I sympathize with your struggles, but it's really important for you to be here this week. With that said, I'll allow it just this once, but I'll be expecting you here for at least two cram sessions in return."

"I can figure something out." Isogai bows his head once. "Thank you."

"Of course!" Korosensei's smile grows.

I can't help but wonder if he's doing it for Karma too and pull out the small charm, playing with it between my fingers under the desk.

Geez, it was even on clearance too!

I sigh to myself.

Even with the matching popsocket, it doesn't seem like it'll be good enough.


I pack up my school bag and stand up. "Hey, mind if we hit up a couple of other shops too?" I ask Hinano.

"Can I have your attention please." Nakamura says in a strong and confident voice, casually walking up to the front of the class. "I just wanted to explain that this Christmas for Karma is more important than you know." She eyes a few of the other students carefully. "I ran into him the other day and honestly—"

"I'm sorry, uh..." Isogai raises his hand in an apologetic wave.

"You're fine." Nakamura motions her head towards the door. "I'll text you."

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