Monday the 6th: Maehara

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Normally, I'd rather live in the moment and let things go, but today is supposed to be about me. Instead, everyone's talking about freaking Karma. Not that I don't like the guy, but did everyone forget about me in the process?

I slump down in my chair, listening to the conversations all around instead of chatting with Yuma before class starts. He's talking with Mimura and Takebayashi anyway.

"You're making a movie? That sounds awesome!" Yuma smiles.

"Yeah! Think you'd be willing to do some voice overs?" Mimura asks, turning to Takebayashi. "And since you barely talk in class anyway, I didn't give you any lines, but you can voice Karma instead."

Takebayashi pushes up on his glasses. "What's in it for me?"

"What? You get to be the main star!" Mimura exclaims.

"I could make you something. Already started the dolls last night and they look pretty decent." Sugaya pulls something up on his phone and shows it to Takebayashi. "Still need to paint them, of course."

Takebayashi actually considers this and whispers something to Sugaya.

"Yeah, I could make that. You a fan or something?" He asks.

"So you'll do it?" Mimura tries again. Takebayashi nods.

"This shit is so messed up." Itona says a little loudly from the back.

Hazama cackles. "I know! And I'm only halfway through! Just gotta work through this next torture scene."

"So we'll go to the shops next week?" Nagisa asks behind me.

"Yeah, I can pick something up for him then." Sugino responds.

I sigh, sinking further into my chair and wishing someone was thinking of me today.

He's not the only one with a birthday.

A few other classmates enter the room, including Karma. Everyone instantly shuts up about their projects and waits for him to sit down. He puts his arms behind his head and stares curiously at everyone while leaning back in his chair.

"What?" He asks in the dead silence.

As if on queue, everyone starts up their conversations again, avoiding talk of his presents. He raises an eyebrow, confused. I face forward and glare at the chalkboard.

I have a birthday too.


During lunch, I poke at the rice while sitting alone in the hallway.

I have a birthday too...

"Oh, there you are." Yuma walks over and sits next to me. "What's with you today? You seem down."

I glare at him sadly. "Think we can hang out today?"

"Oh, um..." He glances away regretfully. "I actually have a shift at the cafe. But maybe you can stop by?" He pulls out a note from his pocket and hands it to me. "A cute girl from B class gave this to me for you."

I do my best to stow my anger and smile through it. "Thanks! I could really use a distraction today." I grab the note from him as gently as I can. The paper crumples in my grasp.

Did even my best friend forget?

"Anyway, I hope I see you." He pats my shoulder and stands back up. "I'm going to get some studying done during lunch, since I won't have time later."

He runs off and I stare after him, hurt.

I try my best to be nice to everyone, and this is what I get?

I stare down at the paper and unfold it.

'Hey cutie! Stop by your best friend's cafe after school for a special birthday treat. Looking forward to seeing you! <3'

My gaze turns into an angry glare.

Even a stranger is more thoughtful than my "friends".


The anger fades and I find myself wandering in the cafe's general direction. I don't actually want to see Yuma there, but I hope he ends up being too busy to stop by and say hi. The cafe looks crowded as I approach and I wonder if I've ever seen it so full before.

Guess I won't have to worry about him having a second for me.

I enter the cafe, a loud explosion of party poppers going off and making me practically jump out of my own skin.

"Happy Birthday, Hiroto!" Everyone screams.

Completely stunned, I just stand there. One of the pretty girls from school walks up, stringing her arm through mine.

"Mind sitting with me?" She bats her eyelashes.

"Welcome in!" Yuma comes up, carrying my favorite drink on his tray. "So what do you think? Did I surprise you?" He offers it to me.

I immediately feel guilty for my earlier thoughts and finally let them go after holding them in all day. "You definitely had me worried there for a minute." I admit.

"Come on, I couldn't forget my best friend's birthday, could I?" He motions towards the dining area and guides me and my date to a table. "And since I got so many to come to the cafe today, they're letting me treat you to anything you want on the menu for free. Just you though." He sets a menu on the table for me. "So pick whatever you like!"

I could almost cry as I look around. Most of 3-E and many of the girls from Kunugigaoka are here. I quietly take a seat, the girl on my arm sitting next to me. I laugh and fall into the moment. I flirt, I eat, I chat, I thrive. I even get a few promising phone numbers. Yes, during the date. She doesn't seem to mind though. Yuma even stops by to personally express his feelings.

"You're one of the best friends I've ever had." He smiles. "May we stay together for many more years to come."

A lot of the girls fawn over his statement and I blush, scratching the back of my head.

"Man, you make what I did for yours last month look like crap." I chuckle.

"Hey, I really like that apron." Yuma says seriously.

I gave him a new apron with pockets and a special lining that makes it fire resistant because he was complaining about his tattered one at home. Of course, anyone who doesn't know that is going to read further into it.

Oh well...

"Anyway, I have to head back to work, excuse me." Yuma runs off, catering to tables and busing dishes at the same time like a champ.

Despite there being no physical present, I feel absolutely satisfied with what he did for me.

Man, Yuma knows me too well.

I look around again, taking in the scene. My eyes stop on a table near the back where Nagisa, Sugino and Karma are. I find myself staring at him for a long while, remembering what Nagisa said about him being alone this Christmas, which happens to also be his birthday.

I frown, having hated every second I mistakenly thought they forgot about mine.

And it's not like his parents just forgot... they're knowingly leaving him alone.

"Would you like me to feed it to you?" My date asks, pointing her fork at the cake I'd ordered.

I turn and look at her. Her eyes sparkle and she seems to really want to feed me as if she gets something out of it herself. Her hair is simple, but neatly put together.

I wonder if Karma would be interested.

"Hey, you know that guy over there?" I nonchalantly point out Karma.

"Yeah, what about him?" She sets her fork down.

"I heard he's gonna be alone for Christmas." I put my elbow on the table and prop up my head with my hand. "I was thinking of finding him a girlfriend so he wouldn't be."

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